STAY CALM. The number one thing I could tell myself only being through one semester of college is to stay calm. The biggest fear was that I wasn't going to be good enough and that I would fail out and end up back in my parents house but with some help of some very caring and sincere teachers and advisors, I now know that I was fine the whole time and that when I want something, I will clean toilets to get it. I'm still nervous about where the money is going to come from since I'm one of eleven kids in my family. I'm on the older end so I'm not receiving help from my parents but they taught me how to work hard for what I need and what I want will come later as a reward. I will not give up on my desire to become a well accomplished individual even if it takes more out of me than I anticipate.
Knowing what I know now I would tell my past self not to panic everytime I see a low grade. The work is difrent but I can handle it and I'll get though it. Work hard stay calm you'll reach your goal.
After making a few pit stops in the space time continuum to alter the plots (and casting) of the prequels of the Star Wars saga, I would travel back to communicate with my high school senior self. The first advice I would give is to not feel so pressured by other student's skills. Seeing as how CCAD students come from different backgrounds, it is only natural that their skills will be at different levels, and the reason that I am going to school is to learn and hone my own skills. There is no magic switch that will make me better; it comes from being dedicated and working hard. Additionally, I would say to not worry about my roommate that I will have freshman year. While he ends up being a pain in the butt, it was a learning experience in understanding that some people are more mature than others, and I will have to deal with all sorts of people in life. Finally, I would tell myself to not be too engrossed in my work, and to remember to maintain a balance, and to remember the importance of sleep and exercise.
You won't be the best artist anymore, everyone is a great artist at this college. Do not skip class unless you're deathly ill, attendance matters. Freshman year will be difficult because it's a weedout year and there's very little focus on your major. Socialize, make more than four friends. Listen to your mom, dad and doctors. Don't worry about what everyone knows about you now, college is a fresh start.
Though I've only completed one year at art school now, it was still enough to change everything I thought I knew the past four years in highschool. Looking back now, my HS years consisted of staying within my comfort zone. I had the same old friends who could care less for me, and I slept for fun. I decided to become someone else in college, though. Here, I learned that every time I stepped out of my comfort zone, I had the most fun I've ever had. All I had to do was meet new people and just say YES to anthing! I became a new person! Rock climbing? Modeling for complete strangers? Punching a deserving jerk in the face? Sitting with a new stranger at lunch every day? Singing with a room full of strangers? My life was suddenly driven by impulse! Why should I hold back? I was suddenly talking to random people like I knew them, and going on adventures through a crazy and fun city. I am now this new, confident girl who isn't afraid of living outside of my comfort zone, and I wish I discoverd this freedom long ago!
Making the transition to college life will be just as easy as you think it will be. Nothing new, no surprises, no new peer pressure, just the same as high school, only you live closer to everybody. Think twice about living with your sister freshman year. You'll be fifteen minutes from campus, and you're just going to move a year later. Go to the downtown area near campus and move into one of those apartments. It will make life a lot easier for you.
Also, look into getting summer jobs, or a job on campus. Senior year comes around fast and you need a way to pay for everything. Dad's not going to be able help you anymore, and you will be on your own. Take the time now and start saving up for that. You'll thank yourself later when you're not stressing about paying for your last semester of tuition.
And when a guy you vaguely remember sends you a friend request on Facebook, don't even hesitate about accepting. He will be the greatest thing to happen to you since you got accepted.
College life will not be difficult if you keep yourself prepared. Overall, you will connect with more people, and getting used to your new home will take surprisingly little time. It is vastly different from highschool, and you will find that the students and faculty are more relatable, more aware of your interests, and more positive.
Being a 20-year-old Junior in college I know I still have plenty to learn in life, and I most certainly don't believe I've got it all figured out, but what knowledge I do have has allowed me to effectively reflect on my life in high school. As I look back on my four years at Kenston High School I often find myself thinking "If I knew it wouldn't kill me, I wouldn't have worried so much." Understandably, when you're a high school senior, applying to colleges is most likely the biggest milestone thus far in your life. Of course it's a signficiant process that should be taken seriously, but being a perfectionist that I am I seemed to think that this was a life or death decision. If I didn't find the right college for me and have it all lined up as soon as I graduated from high school, I thought I was going to fall behind my graduating class and ultimately fall behind in life. This is why I wish I could have told my high-school-senior self to relax and enjoy this process into adulthood.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would give her a shaking! During high school I had no intention of attending college. I figured I could manage without it. I longed to attend college, but was worried about finances. After two years of working and trying to fill the void within myself, I discovered Columbus College of Art & Design. Art is my passion, but I never felt I was good enough to pursue it as a career. I gave CCAD a shot, because I finally realized that you are only given one life, and it is what you make of it. I could be graduationg from my dream school this coming year, but because I was so stubborn I still have three years to go. So, if I could speak to my high school senior self, I would tell her to just go for it, don't let finances hold you back. You only live once, so it is not worth it to struggle through life, living in fear of failure. After all, you cannot succeed unless you try.
I would encourage my high school self to try to get out more early in the year and get to know people. Even though it would be hard, it's better to make friends early on than later.