Columbus College of Art and Design Top Questions

What should every freshman at Columbus College of Art and Design know before they start?


Even though I'm only a freshman at CCAD, I've gotten a lot out of my experience as a college undergraduate; I'm now that ramen noodle-eating-never-sleeping art kid who is always covered in paint. Though rough, it's defintely been an experience I'll never regret. The professors all know what they're doing and they each have a great amount of talent so you know you're being taught by the masters, and it's also a great student to teacher ratio so you get the attention you need to understand the lessons and get through the classes without feeling incredibly overwhelmed. The classes are just enough to push you to your limit so you can be the best you possibly can, and the students are diverse in that everyone will find a friend to get through the homework with, not to mention the campus pretty and with a divine view of Columbus!


I will be attending Unverisity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the Fall of 2011 for the American Sign Language interpreting program. I believe that the education I receive there will one of things I value most in my life. I hope to use my education to better serve the deaf population and help them become an integral part of their communities. I hope to get out of my college experience a sense of hard work, dedication to my studies and friendships that last a life-time.


Although a school can have great facilities, teachers, reputations, and futures, I am the one doing the learning. It is my future that I hold in my own hands, and am thusly responsible for it. CCAD has its problems, but my instructors have taught me, in both good and bad ways, that I am the only one making my art. I will live my life according to the example I must set for myself.


In the pass year, ive been enrolled in this 4 year program college, and everything i have learned so far has been extremely important for my development as a proffesional artist and into a bright artistic career. My drawing skills have improved tremdously since i started here, and ive developed new painting skills, new ways to work with different mediums, and to be able to complete assignments in a limited period of time regarding due dates and such. the proffecionalism in this place is very good and it has helped me see how difficult it is out there in the real worl for artist like me, for that reason i really want to continue my major in this college to be well prepared and ready to take on the world. All this experiences has been very valuable to me, because without it i would not strive to become a sucessful artist like felllow artists who has graduated from CCAD like famous cover illustrator C.F. Payne and Eric Fortune. I have learned things in here that i would have never known in my own, and for that i am very thankful.


In Fall 2010, I was accepted into nursing school at CSUS. I graduated high school in 1995 and dropped out of college in 2000. To go back to school ten years later was very intimidating but every job I applied for wanted a college degree; experience was no longer as desirable as the diploma. My husband and I knew that going back to college after starting a family and buying a home would be a huge financial burden, however, we also knew that in the long run we would be happier and more stable. I just finished my first semester of nursing school, with all A's, and could not be happier with the decision to pursue my nursing dream. I am more self-confident and much happier. I have met 79 other students that I will share classes with over the next three semesters and have already formed a few great friendships. Best of all, in Fall 2012, I will graduate with a degree in nursing, and I know that no matter where I apply, I can apply with confidence because I have a degree proving my competency.


My freshman year at CCAD was one of the hardest but most rewarding in my life. The amount I learned was unfathomable compared to every other art class I ever attended. Without CCAD, I would still be just an amature, still doing my thing, not knowing my full potential. This school helped me realize that with the right mind set and training, there is no limit where my talent can take me. The staff here is incredible. Most are the nicest, friendliest people you will ever meet that are geniuses in their fields. They guide (or sometimes push) their students in the right direction and make sure that everyone learns what they need to. It is valuable to attend CCAD because of the hands-on experience in the field that is actually required to graduate. They take you through the processes that you need to know and make sure that you have a portfolio that will knock em dead. The school makes sure that you (the student) are way ahead of your compitition in finding a job and a career that you love doing every day.


I have learned from my college experience how to be an independant young adult. I moved away from home and had to take on the many responsibilities of being a freshman in college. It was my responsibilty to go to class, do the homework, and earn the grade. I have to manage my time well, and have balance amoung the many activities I participate in. I work part time while at the same time being a full time student. On top of that I find time for friends and family, and free time for me. The most valuable advice I can give and have taken away from being in college is that it is important to be yourself and work hard. You will have nothing to show for your work if you do not give 100 {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your time and effort into everything that you do. It is also important to get involved with your school; Join clubs, meet people, and talk to your professors! It has been valuable to attend college because it is preparing me for the real world and for my career! College provides so many opportunities that people should take advantage of while they can.


I have been working full time since completeing high school in 2002 at a variety of art related jobs. I knew I wanted to go to art school since I was a kid but I know I would have to pay for it myself. Attending CCAD as a non-tradional student with has really lived up to my expectations. Not only do I get a great deal of respect from my teachers, but my knowledge has impressed my fellow students as well. CCAD has built a community in the heart of downtown Columbus, and it is a positive and creative energy.


I will be a very nervous and excited to move in the big steps for the career. It going to be a huge changes for me. Plus it would be not easy at all and its time to join in the real world.


College for me has been a blast. At first I was intimidated I was afraid that I wouldnt have the potential to make it through. But now that Im going and I see what its like I know I can do it. My current class has taught me how to motivate myself instead of putting myself down. I am full of self motivation to become a succesful student and I never couldve gotten that with out that class. College provides me a one way ticket to my dream career which is to become a journalist. If I give up college I give up my dream and I cant let that happen. College gives you so many opportunities and access to things that people who dont go to school dont have. I would advise anyone its never too late to go to school and take advantage of all these great opportunities.