Coppin State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Coppin State University?


When I tell my friends about my school, I usually brag about the social life. Everyone is so friendly and drama-free on my campus that its easy to make friends and have a good time. There are plenty of events held by the sororities and fraternities as well as by the campus staff. You're guaranteed to have a good time. I also brag about our athletic events. There is so much school spirit at my school. It makes everyone want to come out and support the school, even people who live in town.


What I brag about my school the most is how the fauclty and staff never give up on the students, they know it isnt easy for us and they help us the best way that they can by calling us, coming to our class, they will hunt us down in school or even if we are not in school just to make sure we ace our classes, not just pass.


Absolutely nothing to brag about