Coppin State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known that out of state tuition was going to be very expensive, and applied for more scholarships to pay for my education instead of having to take out so many loans.


I wish that i knew they did nit offer criminal/forensic psychology as a major just yet.




Before I came to this school I wish I would have known that my school has an "open-campus". My school is located in Baltimore, Maryland. Alot of crime occurs in the areas surrounding my school. Living on an open campus, meaning anyone can walk onto our campus and into some of our facilities, makes me uneasy because of the crime rate.


I wish i had known that the school administration is very poor.


I know alot about the school because, I have friends who went there and I read up about it.


Wish I had known what a blue-light district was.