Cornell University Top Questions

Describe the students at Cornell University.


The student body is huge, yet small. Once, you find your place, you will feel like you know EVERYONE... which will get annoying.


Cornell's student body is pretty homogeneous. Students are mainly white and of stable economic backgrounds. However, we do have an eclectic mix of student groups and organizations on campus.


Cornell is very well segregated. this is done through a combination of administration policies and student self segregation. Thus, even though there are a good deal of types of people, they don't really ever have to meet each other or learn how to deal with others. most students are rich and from NYC, westchester, long island, or new jersey. They are generally on the political left, but many are also highly uninformed, and they don't care because they just want to do really well, hopefully without working too hard, so they can get good jobs.


Very diverse. I love it! Everyones very friendly too!


I think that Cornell is a very tolerant place. It is a little segregated, but I have not heard of any major conflicts between groups on campus.


Diverse, but same groups tend to stick together


Can you say homogeneous, and self segregating? Yeah, thats Cornell.


We were recently named hottest ivy. I enjoy walking across campus and being able to overhear conversations in 5 different languages. I think that any type of student can find a group so he or she wont feel out of place. Greek life is pretty big here and there a ton of rich preppy kids but there are enough people so that you can avoid them if you want to


Cornell is very accepting of all races, religions, etc. and they are all very prominent through a variety of clubs and evens. Most people are from the NY area so in that respect the population is not diverse, but as Cornell has a few state schools, that is to be expected.


Student body is somewhat diverse - most people are from NY or NJ though.