The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Cornell University is 14%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Kaylie, you are a hard-working, kind-hearted young lady who is happiest doing a variety of activities. I know you swore that you will focus solely on academics your first semester of college. For most people that is what they need but Kaylie you don't need that. Don?t force yourself to be someone you aren?t by taking away what really matters to you-building relationships and helping people. You'll still struggle with classes and at times feel like you?re failing; you will have to work harder than you ever have in your life too, and at the end of that first semester you?re going to be disappointed in your grades and your GPA because you hold yourself to a very high standard. Just know this: that number, your GPA, can never truly reflect how hard you had to work to stay in the college of your dreams. Do not let that number define you or all that you have accomplished. As long as you stay true to whom you are and your values while working hard and enjoying your college experience you have truly succeeded?and that?s the greatest achievement of all.
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Describe the students at your school.
Completely different from one another, but by some anomally everyone iis somewhat the same too!
Read all 182 answers
What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Greek functions.
Read all 137 answers
What are the academics like at your school?
I'm a science major, so most of the classes I took as a freshman had more than 100 students enrolled. As a pre-med, the environment is definitely competitive. Most professors are willing to help though, and they appreciate if you visit them during office hours. Think of office hours as a win-win situation--you understand the material a whole lot better and the professor does not waste time just sitting at his desk in his office. To de-stress, pre-meds can take a wide array of electives such as Magical Mushrooms & Mischevious Molds and Introduction to Wines.
Read all 137 answers
What is your overall opinion of this school?
Cornell is an excellent school. I can proudly say that Cornell has one of the most beautiful campuses in the nation. In fact, I enjoy exploring the campus and taking pictures before the freezing winter sets in. And even when winter comes, there are times when I brave the cold and walk around the campus to capture the winter scenery around our campus.
Cornell is a fairly large private university, and because I attended a high school that only had about 160 students per grade, it is a huge plus. It is not as large as some of the public schools, but it definitely is big enough for every student to find his or her niche and friends with similar interests. And because we have seven undergraduate schools, Cornell students have the opportunity to network and meet people outside of their fields of study. As an economics and government double-major student, I can say I have friends who are engineers, architects, art students, and "hotelies." And because Cornell has a big campus, the school never feels like it's crowded and running out of space.
Many students complain that Ithaca is a fairly isolated town, but I think it also has its benefits. Yes, we can't enjoy the internship opportunities and other perks that students in large cities benefit from, but being a bit isolated allows us to really develop strong friendships and a tightly-knit community. I've heard from many of my friends in schools like NYU complain about the lack of opportunity to form lasting friendships because the city lures many of the students away from each other.
Well, Ithaca is very well known to be cold, and I won't deny it. Surprisingly, this year, the winter hasn't been bad at all. Still, even in the freezing cold, students have fun sliding down "the slope" with "borrowed" trays from dining halls, creating sculptures out of ice and snow (sometimes obscene ones that need to be dismantled by the campus police), etc. For these reasons, I hate and love Ithacan winter.
Although some students take pride in being a Cornell student while some don't necessarily have much school pride, I can say one thing for sure. Cornell, despite being often derided as being "the easiest Ivy to get into," does have a good reputation. While flying back and forth from my home in California, I have had the chance to converse with many fellow travelers. Naturally, many asked me at which school I study (I don't tell people that I'm a Cornell student unless asked upon because many Ivy-league students are stereotyped to be arrogant), and when I told them I go to Cornell, most were impressed. I say most because there were some who did not know anything about Cornell. And I can also say that Cornell is fairly well-known outside of the U.S. as well because when I backpacked across Italy and France last summer, many Europeans congratulated me for having the chance to study at one of the best institutions in the world.
Overall, Cornell is an excellent school, and if you don't mind studying at a fairly large university in a rural environment, you would definitely love coming to Cornell.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
I think so...though they may not be "real" stereotypes :P
Read all 121 answers
What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Cornell students are all nerds and there are a lot of asians at the school.
Read all 119 answers
Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
It is very research oriented, and has many of the top programs in the fields that it offers. It is also the largest school I applied to.
Read all 116 answers
Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
A great balance of challenging work and having some of the best fun in your life. Although the courses are hard, the knowledge sticks in your head and you'll feel good about it. Outside of academics, the greek life here is huge and you'll never run out of things to do.
Read all 71 answers
What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Cornell University is too populated. Just this year, the incoming freshman student body exceeded the regular number admitted by a couple hundred. On-campus housing is already lacking as well as academic resources, such as laboratory space and shared reading materials. Renovations are sorely needed in certain on-campus residential buildings.
Read all 69 answers
What's unique about your campus?
It is a place where you can interact with people in the frontiers of whatever field you might be interested in. There are lots of opportunities in which you can discover your career interests through school-provided programs. There is a diverse, variety communities, so you are certain to find a community that you can find yourself most comfortable with. Intellectual as well as social growth is stimulated through the interaction with similar-minded students and professorss.
Read all 61 answers
What kind of person should not attend this school?
The school is located in a rather rural area, so if you seek an urban life, it will probably not be your best choice. Also, the weather is bearable, but it does really get cold in winter, and snows a lot. It is easy to neglect the environment, but you should certainly take into considerations of these factors. Also, the workload of average Cornell students is probably a lot higher than the average of other college students.
Read all 54 answers
What kind of person should attend this school?
Students who are prepared for VERY challenging workloads should consider Cornell if there are particular programs, departments, or faculty they are interested in working with. These students should be aware that the campus is diverse, but that diversity must be sought out. Cornell is a challenge: the school work is challenging, finding a social niche is challenging. Students who are prepared to accept this facet of Cornell and work hard should consider applying: it's worth it if you're ready for it.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Engineering and life sciences.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Before coming to Cornell, I wish somebody had explained to me the definite possibility that I would no longer be in the top of my class and that school would be very challenging. I wish that somebody had prepared me for the adjustment I would have to make to accepting B's as good grades. I am now a second semester sophomore, but it can be difficult at times to accept that a B is a good grade when in highschool, nothing less than an A was considered "my best" or good.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The freshman dorms are a great distance from the actual classes. So, if you plan on taking the bus make sure you are early, or individuals need to plan ahead if they choose to walk.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I brag the most about the fraternity life. It was so much fun to be a part of and really offered a great opportunity to meet a lot of new people.
Read all 37 answers
What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Well, my school was voted #1 douchiest school in America by GQ, so I guess most people here are stereotyped as douchebags. I personally don't think this stereotype is accurate. Cornell has some of the nicest people you will ever meet! Most people are generally chill and laid back. Yes, you will find the douche-y jocks and frat boys, but for the most part, the people on campus are genuinely nice and not arrogant at all.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
Easy. Cornell is beautiful. It has a rich history and a unique philosophy. The faculty is world-renowned. The student population is intelligent, unique, and interesting. The campus is large and beautiful. It's located far, far away from where I grew up, so it's different and exciting for me to be there. Ithaca is a great college town. Cornell supplies an experience, a look, and a feel that I couldn't get anywhere else.
Read all 9 answers
What do students complain about most?
The workload gets a little intense, there's no denying it. When it's not final or prelim season things are definitely manageable, but when it gets to studying crunch time everyone's nerves are a bit on edge. Cornell students are competitive and they want to do well, so they'll usually put in the time to study, sacrificing a few days to the library for the sake of a decent GPA.
Plus, the weather gets a bit iffy. This was one of the things I was most concerned about before coming here, but for the most part it's severely over-exaggerated. I've developed a healthy respect and appreciation for sunshine; coming from Southern California I've been used to perfect weather my entire life, but I've found it quite easy to adjust. So don't worry. There are a lot of foggy days and rainy days, but the bus system on campus is excellent and it's not that bad.
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