The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Hofstra University is 62%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would tell myself to really get my priorities straight when coming to college. Sometimes you have to miss out on social events so that you get your homework done. I would also tell myself that it is okay to be different. I am a dance major, and despite what people say about it being an easy major with less work, you know how much hard work it takes to do well. Never give up. Plan your time well and don't spend your savings all in the first semester.; manage your money well. You will want to feel independent; and having to ask for money all the time from your parents is not what will make you independent.
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Describe the students at your school.
Most are stuck-up, conceited, superficial, and spend more time at the bar every night instead of doing the assignments for class.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Ugg boots, guidos, fake tans, big glasses, stupid people, lazy, sorority girls with STDs.
Read all 115 answers
What is your overall opinion of this school?
All I can say is don't Hofstra seems appealing with it being so close to NYC, but that's really the only good thing. I majored in drama, and half the professors were educated at Hofstra! No one in any department knew what they were talking about and they told us if anyone came up to ask why the tuition was so high we should avoid the question. The so called "BFA" program is a scam, and without it you're basically paying 60k for no major. The kids who had gotten in came out with no connections, about the same education that AMDA could give you (except 50k cheaper) and a school that looks the other way when you ask why you don't have a job. It says a lot when someone transfers to a community college just to get out of the trap that is Hofstra. The food is awful and the amount of times people found bugs in their food was too many to count. Hofstra is located in the lovely town of Hempstead, known for its gangs and high crime rate. My first year I got three emails a week telling us to travel in groups because there had been students mugged walking back from parties. The school totes their proximity to NYC as a feature yet sets a time limit on the shuttle that takes you to the nearest train station, saying that after a certain time it's too dangerous for them to come, and if you find yourself stuck there then you better know someone with a car. Even the attendance policy, which varies per major, is insane. If you find yourself in the hospital, or just sick, then you better show up to class with an IV because if you're absent more than 2 times they drop your grade and recommend you drop the class. If I could give this school 0 stars I would. If you're even thinking of attending simply because you didn't get in anywhere else (like the majority of people who go to Hofstra, it's a 'well I didn't get into my top choice but this will do' school), I implore you to look elsewhere. I didn't do well my first semester of freshman year due to my family moving and it being a new environment. As a result I lost my scholarship, but when I tried to explain that I was simply getting used to being alone and not having any family close they told me that it didn't matter and that I could appeal again next year. They rope you in by showing you the gym, which is about the only thing they'll spend money on, and have the student guides, who are paid to lie (I know because I went to the training to be one, but when I was told about the questions to avoid: tuition, do people drink/ do drugs). The dorms are small and packed (they have 4 people to a room the size of a normal dorm, they call it a quad). There's so much to say about why this school is terrible, but I'll leave it at a simple DON'T. Don't go, no matter how appealing it sounds, it's not.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
As far as my experience goes, not at all. Most of my interactions have been with other music majors, but almost everyone I have met has been smart, busy, hardworking, and interesting. If you can find your niche at Hofstra (and it's not too hard to do... the school isn't that big), you'll find some great people who know what they want out of life. The only people who really complain about the other students are those who seem to make a concious effort to be unhappy, though I suppose Long Island might take some getting used to if you're from out of state.
As far as the STDs go, I have a boyfriend, so I really wouldn't know.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Depends on the major, but for arts, they're awful.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Hofstra University is a very competitive school.What i experienced in Hofstra as a transfer student is that the school is designed to aim for the best not better.In my previous school, i always had atleast couple A's but it is very hard to do so in Hofstra. The school is really challenging and in order to be successful in such school, you need to spend the most time you have to study.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The most popular groups is most likely the sororities/fraternities
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish i had known more about the type of people who live in the area. I also wish i knew more about finincal options before going
Read all 38 answers
What's unique about your campus?
The atmosphere is very welcoming. The campus looks beautiful all year long.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about Hofstra University is that they do not help students to find a variety of financial resources to help them pay their tuition. They quickly advise students without reviewing their financial history to constantly take out loans. Aside from lack of financial advice, they are very limited with their departments. My biology courses were mostly marine biology based and not pre-dental biology as my focus.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The diversity of the university is great for all who are willing to meet new people.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A focused person who wants to do well academically and also enjoy their college experience.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
My school is challenging.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
It is best known for it's beautiful campus. Our school is a registered greenhouse or something so we have over 100 hundred different plants and trees.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
I believe anyone can attend Hofstra but I certainly wouldn't recommend someone to come here if it is only because they live around the corner or because they do not know what they want to do with their life and Hofstra conveniently accepted them.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating this about Hofstra is that everyone goes home on the weekends and there isn't much to do. I usually go to the city with friends but that gets expensive after a while.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
When people first hear I go to school on Long Island, they typically conjure up bad accents, Jersey shore wannabes, and bad fake tans. And rest assured, we have our fair share of those. However, the majority of the population doesn't fit this mold, as varied as any other campus in it's types of people. I can't say I was immune to this stereotype when I first chose to go to Hofstra either. I was a little frightened, coming from the pasty state of Colorado, that I would arrive into a sea of orange skinned, tall haired, Snookie idolizers. My friends, my family, and even one of my teachers--who actually said to me on the last day "now don't go get all long island on me"--taunted me that I was going to go away and come back with a lahhhng iiisland accent and a new, more florescent skin tone. However, the guido/guidette population here is at a minimum, most people are normal kids, and the closest most of my fellow students have gotten to the Jersey Shore is through their televisions on Thursday nights. While there is the occasional Snookie poof or lahng island vernacular, for the most part the population of our campus is the same as any other college campus, and I can proudly go home to Colorado as a proud non-sterotypical Long Islander.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
Sports are popular to some extent. Basketball games are pretty big and there are a few other really good programs on campus like wrestling, roller hockey, baseball, cheerleading and dance. There's almost always some kind of game to attend if you are a big sports fan. Keep up with the schedule and you're bound to find something going on.
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Where is the best place to get work done on campus?
The place to get work done is the Axinn Library
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