Cornell University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Cornell University? Why?


The workload at the school really stresses everyone out.


Paying extra for the laundry service and the gym membership can be annoying.


my school will readily build any new building or do renovations


The weather. It can be really hot one day and then snowy on the other. Plus, because the buildings are so far apart, it's almost impossible to get to places when there is a blizzard.


Race relations


It is much harder than other universities


Sometimes doesn't plan for large amounts of students accessing the course system at once, or doesn't anticipate number of students wanting on-campus housing.


The location. Even though the isolated environment has its benefits I would prefer to be in a more lively city.


It's really big, so you have to be able to fend for yourself. It's also in the middle of nowhere, so it's hard to arrange transportation for breaks if you don't have a car, and the campus and small town can sometimes become a bit claustrophobic and boring. The weather is also terrible if you don't like cold and snow!


Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by the shear size and academic excellence of the university.