Cornell University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Cornell University? Why?


The weather (very snowy and cold) followed by the lack of attention you might receive from academic advisors. Also, there is very little cooperation between majors, which can present a big problem within your prospective college.


Too many hills - you usually walk everywhere, and any way you walk you walk uphill. Gets tiring if you are carrying a lot of books.


The weather; It's so bad that you don't want to go to class or anywhere sometimes


The hills. It gets you tired if all you do is walk and don't have a bus pass.


The weather and location is terrible because it is a very cold climate in a rugged terrain. This makes travel hard and gives students a reason to not go to class.


The amount of pressure that classes put on me. Also, the intensity of exams is very demoralizing. No matter how hard I study, I have been unable to as well as I would like on any exam so far.


The fees--there are often extra fees for things, including the fitness centers. The school charges an "activities fee" but does not allocate its funds appropriately.


Classes are definitely more difficult here then I would assume they would be other places. You end up not doing incredibly well in some classes, but it's okay because you're graduating from Cornell.


CS 100J


A lot of introductory lectures are quite big, so students have to actively seek out professors if they want to get to know them. It's also easy to feel neglected in such large classes. However, it's good to get in the habit of seeking out professors anyway; and this is a big, competitive school, so you need to get used to the idea that you're competing for grades with lots of smart people in the more basic classes. The more advanced classes are smaller and allow you much better opportunity for personalized learning.