Cornell University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


available resource. if you choose to delve yourself into whatever subject you choose to, the school provides courses, facilities and resources to obtain any knowledge you seek. your future lies in front of you depending on your desire and dedication. All available resources are there in front of you to utilize.


The education.


I like the diverse mix of people from all races, family backgrounds, geographic areas, income levels, and gender. Also, the campus is beautiful and once I'm done I think I will feel a great sense of satisfaction/accomplishment!


Diverse in terms of students and coursework. Extensive alumni network to help you get further after you graduate. Challenging curriculum prepares you well for the real world.


The availability of resources is great. Also, the area is very nice when the weather cooperates.


The challenge of learning to deal with the spectrum of the world's people. All kinds. Really.


Pirate flash mob on campus


There are so many talented individuals who attend this school. It is refreshing to see others as focused as you are. There are also so many fields of sutdy that anyone with any interest can find it at this school.


The availability of everything and anything.


The students are very diverse - in terms of wealth, interests, personalities, etc. People are exceedingly smart and interesting, and I have found many lifelong friends. The quality of the education I'm receiving is also one of Cornell's strengths. Professors aren't necessarily the most famous academic in their fields (although many are), but they all seem to have the perfect balance between success/mastery in their field and the rare ability to inspire and effectively teach people in a way that prepares them for something more than just a midterm or final.