Cornerstone University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Cornerstone University?


I think that at my school we should let even non-Christian people to come there. It would be a good chance to witness to them. Before I started college I thought that I wouldn?t like it; I love it! The people at my school will help anyone they can. It?s a good community, and the only people who shouldn?t be allowed in are those set on messing that up! If you ask all most everyone there what is the most important thing they'd say the community. It?s our way of life at Cornerstone University!


Since Cornerstone is a non-denominational, Christian-based school, I wouldn't recommend the it to someone with no Christian background.


Someone who can't deal with rules or authority.


A non- or psuedo-Christian, or someone who drinks, smokes, or uses drug, or who plans to party through college. It is a fairly conservative Christian school and such things are banned.


Someone who is looking to party all of the time.


Someone who is really in to alcohol and drugs.


If you are not conservative you will not want to attend this school


someone liberal


I wouldnt know. The population is so diverse that I think anyone that wanted to and had a desire to attend here would make it very well!


anyone who is strongly against the christan faith considering this is a christian school.