Culinary Institute of America Top Questions

What should every freshman at Culinary Institute of America know before they start?


If I was able to go back in time and talk to my past self than I would have a lot to say. First, don't take life for granted and live each day of your life as if it is your last. Believe in yourself and your capabilities because you will go far. Study harder and try your best. Don't just look out for number one and help others. College is fun, but it also takes hard work and determination. You will experience ups and downs on this journey called life but with each failer and each success try to learn from them. Do not go to art school sure it's your dream but listen to reason and go to community college first. Sure the experience maybe great but so is the cost. But most importantly do not forget where you came from because it will get you to where you are going. Life is hard but it is worth the trip! Work hard, study hard, and put God first in everything you do! At graduation kiss your mom. Thanking her for her courage and support. Most importantly do not be afraid to take risks! Stay positive!


Oh, if I only knew! This is my second time around in college, so my advice to myself the first time would be, work harder! Focus more on the classwork and less on the social life. The friends will come, no matter where you are. Think about the things that REALLY matter to you. Consider saving money for the future - we need it! Take every available opportunity, especially those that put you in alternate environments, like studying abroad. I have many fewer options to take now than I did then because I have a family to consider. I wish I had taken the chances then...but I am doing everything I can now to make up for what I missed.


Moving to New York from Hawaii was a huge transition. The nerves ran deep during my last week of summer through my first week at school. There are many things that I wish I could have told my high school senior self to prepare me for what to expect and do for my months at college. The first thing of advice I would give myself is to not get distracted by non-school related activities and to pay more attention to school work. Finding and making friends shouldn’t be on the top of my list when I start school, they will come naturally once all of the kitchen classes start. I wish someone had told me how important reading was, whether it was assigned or not. It would have helped a lot if someone had told me that extra reading would allow me to excel in all of my classes. Lastly, I wish I could tell my high school self that it is extremely important to get a job and continue looking for scholarships as soon as school started. By knowing all of this it would have made my first and future years in college a lot easier.


If i was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and knowing what i know now i would tell my self to take college seriously. I would let my self know that college is no joke. I have already spent 60,000 dollars on my culinary arts degree and im not even half way done. I would tell my self not to live in student housing because the food is awfull and there is too much drama. I would also tell my self to take every opportunity givin to you by your teachers to volunteer at events to help others. Last, i would tell my self to take college on day at a time and that everything will work out one way or another. College is full of stress and if i could go back to my self as a senior i would let my self know not to freak out over everything that happens..its just life.


“Study!” This may not be an eloquent remark but it's the most direct and important thing I could have said. Ironic since I heard this from so many people: parents, teachers, and advisors. I'm not sure it would have made a difference coming from the future me; however, I can think of nothing better to say. Students will adjust to the new environment, make friends, and decide majors. All these things aside, the foremost reason for attending college is to receive an education; in order to do this a student must study. I was whooley unprepared for studying specifically and the rigors of the college classroom in general. Many times I felt as though I was playing a game of catch-up. Thankfully, I did catch up; in fact, I am graduating with an associates this year (all the while maintaining a 4.0 GPA) and am going to attend Northeastern Illinois University in the fall for elementary education. It took me a little while to figure out how to study but I did. Though much time and effort could have been saved if I had taken the time to learn this skill in high school. So, “Study!”


I f I had the oppurtunity to go back in time and tell my self one thing as a senior it would be, to stay focused and don't let anything get you off track. That offers will come your way but in the end you will want what you have set out for yourself. That commitment and accopmplishment is the best fullfillment in life. And to close the converstaion I would say "and make sure you listen to your parents, they do know what they are talking about".


Apply for more scholarships.


I would tell myself to mentally prepare. When I started college I had a hard time because I thought it would be easier to be away from my family and friends than it actually was. I would also tell myself to get in the habit of following a schedule. At school if you aren't on time, then you fail. It's important to stick to your timeline so you get everything done on time. I would also tell myself to grow a tougher skin. Not everybody is a nice person, and you have to be able to take their criticism, and not let it affect you in a negative way.


I would have told myself to put more time into study. The more I get into a habit of studying and prepping myself for learning, the easier it would have been now. I would have also mentioned to myself the importance of keeping up my GPA. I lost out on some opportunities of getting accepted into a more prestigious school cause of my low high school GPA. I feel I am lucky now to have been accepted by a high prestige cooking school such as The Culinary Institute of America. I would mention the importance of taking advantage of extra curricular studies to broaden my knowledge. These are the main focus points I would try to engrave in my younger brain.


If i were to go back to my senior year, I'd probably tell myself to save more money, and to apply for more scholarships. You don't realize how quickly your money dissapears, especially when you're a full time student.