I would tell myself that no matter what obstacles come up, there are always people willing to help if you just reach out to them. It's ok to depend on your family for support and counselors to assist in the decision making process. Stay in school and channel your energy towards improving your future because you are ultimately responsible for your success. Planning is very important, also. Do not wait til the last minute. Managing your time and money is a learning process. Take a course in high school if you are able. And don't give up! Anything is possible with God and family on your side.
Don't rush. Take the time to figure out what you really want to do in your life. I started college while still in High School , graduated early, and started at a four year university when I was 17. I had a great time my first time through college, met some great people, but I slowly realized that what I thought I wanted to do, Forensic Chemistry, was not at all for me. My last semester at my last school was a study abroad in France and through that experience I learned that something I really enjoyed doing, cooking, could actaully become a profession. I had applied to the Culinary Institute while still in France, got accepted and did all of this without ever seeing the campus. Glad I did. Before applying I was actually hesitant because I didn't know if I should be applying to the top culinary institute in the world; but it all worked out for the best. The last thing I would tell myself as a high school senior- taking time to figure out what you like is ok, even if it mean taking a semester or year off of school. It's worth it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that working the long hours during my senior year and summer before college will definitely pay off. Working almost every day to save money for college was sometimes very bothersome, but I knew it had to be done. I would also tell myself to spend as much time with my family as much as possible since it is quite difficult to come home often when school is four and a half hours away. Don't be afraid to be yourself and make friends from all different scopes of life. Since I attend the best culinary school in the United States, there is a wide variety of people that attend the school and at first I was shy. Once I opened up to everyone, I enjoyed school much more and felt like I was more willing to take on the world.
As a highschool student I was rather rebellious and this was due to the sadness I felt being a foreigner in a foreign country. I come from a single parent home where my Ma wears both the trouser and skirt, when she announced that we would be moving to America utter shock and anger were my emotions. I carried this anger throughout my highschool days and was borderline flunking, my mother was shocked that I even graduated. So if I was to go back to my senior year in highschool I would not have changed a thing. Attending community college was my wake up call and I have been able to hold a decent GPA and stay motivated and focused and now that I have graduated from there and I'm attending the CIA, I am proud that I have come thus far. The more I think about it, I am grateful that I was not as focused and nearly failing in highschool because it was the wake up call I needed to get my act right. The thing I am most grateful for now is my mother making the decision to bring us to the land of endless opportunities.
I would definately tell myself to do more research on the college and really get a better grasp on what this college has to offer, so that I am better prepared for college. I would also tell myself that giving myself a bit of time off is for the best, and that it helped me by going out and working in the real world.
Be open to anything and everything--within limits of course. Don't shy away from a school or future because it isn't the "norm." If you truly love something and are passionate about it, pursue it! Be open to all people, you'll meet a lot of them. People are what make the world what it is and you can choose to create your network or live in the past (hint: start your network NOW). Stay positive. Never, ever let pessimism cloud your vision. It's so much easier to unhappy and feel sorry for yourself then it is to be joyful. Remember that you chose where you are and you make the experience of college what it is. If you don't like where you are, you can always change. Enjoy life for it offers, take this experience for its fullest because the next stop is the real world. Make mistakes and learn from them--never stop learning.
It's been clinically proven that a human being does not make adult, responsible decisions until the brain is at least over 21 years old. For this reason, I would tell myself to be more patient, organized and studious. I would tell myself to carefully reflect on my choices before making a final decision. Many young students make poor choices in their friends, studies and habits during college. I would tell myself to be a stronger person; to not be lead, but to lead.
Always remember that the goal you want may vary but do not get down and look ahead. Use as many outlook as possible. Be open to new experiences and never stay stagnet for too long. There so many places you can take your career, so plan for what you want. Shoot for the highest and slowly you'll get there.
Iti s interesting to look back over the years since I have graduated high school. I have now attended two schools (this time as a career changer). My first career was as an actor, the current as a chef. What is interesting is that both careers are artisticly driven, both are intense programs, both were career/proffesional driven. The common thread I notice in myself that has benefited me most the second time around is to take advantage of everthing around you and be the greatest sponge possible. Study extra subjects, read beyond the reading lists, attend various seminars provided. Ulimtately, the more you focus, the more the payoff in the long run. Don't just try to get by, but really internalize everything there is to know and learn about the subject at hand.
I would tell high school me that it is very important to save money. College is very expensive and financial aid doesn't always cover the full cost of attendance even though it is a big help. Giving up going out to the movies and dinner every weekend is not necessary!