Know its a lot harder to be away from home than you think. Fight dad to get your truck on campus now....not 3 years later. Confidence is everything, and get involved on campus as much as possble, and fight for that high GPA, it goes far for scholarships .
Everyone would like to make changes to their past life. We all make mistakes, some worse than others. The advice that I would give to myself of three years ago would be mostly to really look deep inside myself and make a thorough decision, not to waiver on decisions, not to let outside factors get in the way of my decisions, and to spend wisely. As a high school senior I should have known exactly what I wanted to do, and how to do it. I would like to advixe myself to take the college decision more serious;ly and actually apply myself in the process of not only applying to universities but also applying for scholarships, because financial debt is going to be a huge factor later in life. Also on the fact of outside factors getting in the way, never let a significant other keep you from what you want to do, if they really loved you, they would respect your decision and have faith in you, dont let them decide for you, in the end you'll regret it. That is the advice that I would give to myself of three years ago.
I would definitely tell myself that college is important and to take the workload seriously, but not too seriously, and to remember to balance fun and socializing with studying. I would warn myself that GPA is something to watch, but knowing the material thoroughly is more important than remembering it for the test. I would try to pound into my head the importance of sleep, and the dangers of procrastination. I would keep up with volunteer work, both in the community and on campus. I would teach myself how to network confidently, and tell myself how important it is to network with peers and teachers both. I would tell myself that of course alcohol will always be present on campus, but to understand limits and learn to listen to my body when enough is enough. I would warn myself about the 20 pounds I gained, and encourage myself to find a fitness routine that I can keep for life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to worry so much. Not to worry about adjusting to college life or making new friends, because it really is quite simple. Not to worry about paying for college, because if I want it bad enough, I will find the money. I would also tell myself that all my hard work and dedication will pay off, so while all my friends are skipping class, copying homework, or slacking off, I know that my character and motivation will take me far in life. Success is only measured by how you see yourself. If you're always comparing yourself to others, you will fall short all the time. You need to focus on being a better version of yourself, not someone that someone else would want you to be. Compromising integrity just to get ahead is only cheating yourself. I feel like my college self would have a lot to teach my high school self, but the most important lesson I would share is learning accountability, when something goes wrong, you can't point the finger at someone else.
Classes homework what to expect from the teachers
If i could look back, I would let myself know that sitting aroung for a year waisting time is not the best thing for myself. I was say you have to get up and move, your dreams well not come true if you dont go out and get your life started. There is a world out there waiting for you. And that going to college is so great, because your going to meet really great people along the way that are going to help you become this great chef that you want to be. An for you to be greatful that you have a really amazing family that is going to stand behind you all the way. You stop being lazy and open those doors and stop being scared. always be proud of who you are and stay fouces on that dream, its going to bring you great joy in your life.
Given the chance to go back in time and speak to my high school self I wouldn't really tell myself anything. College so far has been a one adventure after another and I feel that I would be doing myself a disservice to ruin the surpriese to come. However, I would maybe prepare Khalil of the past for the dire financial straits that he has to look forward to.
Unfortunately I was raised by a single mother who struggled to take care of my younger brother and myself. I dropped out of high school to work 2 and 3 jobs to help my family survive. My biggest regret and what I would change could I go back and not have to leave school for my family is waiting so long after high school to pursue a degree in the culinary industry. I do feel that my experiences after high school shaped my passion and desire for furthering my knowledge and has led me to be a stronger student, with a better understanding of the importance of having a solid education from a reputable organization. Though I know I can't change the future, I do know that my future is in my hands and mine alone.
I would tell my self to really research for a college before you make up your mind, you might regret it. Try to sign up for as many scholarships as you can you are going to need the money. Spend as much time as you can with your friends and family because you never know what will happen and how much time you will have left at home. One more thing enjoy every single second you have in high school because you are really going to miss it when you leave. Love your firends and make sure they know that because you are not going to see them all the time in the futre. For the last thing take care of your self and everyone around you.
Don't underestimate the amount of effort you should put into applying for every scholarship, grant, or other financial help that is offered to you. Also be aware of every test, award, and outside activity that can help you in getting better financial aid, and furthering you in your career path. You have to put your full effort into your schooling now, to achieve your career goals in the future and you are perfectly capable of nothing but the best. So never be afraid that you can't do something, and never assume you won't need the extra opportunities that are offered to you. Just put everything you have out there, work as hard as you can, and never doubt you will achieve the great success you're looking for in your career path.