going to the school was the best thing that ever happend to me
i believe that the students should look into schools that will fulfill their needs as a member of society, their needs as a student and the needs of their passion. noone should have to be unhappy in what they do. that is another reason of why my school is so special. there is no age limit of when you can not go to college. life is full of experiences and it is up to the indivitual to take it for themselves and learn as much as they can. nothing is impossible to achieve as long as you put your full mind heart and soul into it. there are twelve words that i would choose to describe what any person should strive for. trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, curteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty brave, clean and reverent.
Take everything that comes your way whether it be a setback or a triumph and transform it into a learning experience to apply to future scenarios. Every action has a reason and what was meant to happen will unravel itself in time. Be patient and be optimistic, because if you truly want to reach your goal, you will stop at nothing to obtain it.
The only advice I would give to incoming college freshmen, and their families, is to choose a school that you love. Make sure it is the one for you by visiting, taking tours and even asking current students about the dialy lives. Collge is a once and a life time experience and every minute shoukd be spent enjoying iy by making friends, learning and studying.
The main I would say for parents and students alike trying to find the right college is it is the BEST idea to visit the campus before you actually begin attending, so you know what the campus is like. I would treat it similar to a new job offer - never take it until you have had a chance to see the place you'll be working in and where you will be living!
I would have to say that students should make sure that they know what they want out of life and follow their dreams to the best college that they can get into. I also think that students should make sure to do reasearch on the schools and be sure that it will be the right fit for them, by visiting the school, talking to students, and possibly sitting in on classes if it is at all possible. As for parents i think that they should be open minded about the thoughts that the students have, and guide them giving their input without pressuring them. When it comes to making the most of the college experience i believe that everyone should live on-campus for at least one semester, because a lot of learning takes place in residence halls. I also think that students have to learn to ballance their social lives with academics, but i recomend not loosing sight of one or the other.
One of the most important things i tell high schoolers is to make sure you make the right choice. this is your career and you should be happy with what you do. why waste money and time you put in , to then waste it all because you didnt make the right choice. Make a ton of Friends and dont be shy, Network. be friendly with your professors and never be afraid of who you are. Remember, have fun and enjoy your time in college becuase when the real world hits you, bye bye free time.
I would tell students to not worry if they have no idea what they want to be in the future. Look for a college with options, in both academics and extracurricular activities. I would tell them to keep an open mind. My advice to parents is to just help their child/children as much as they can.
Finding the right college can be particularly difficult right now especially with the way the economy is going. Although it can be great to have that 'name-brand' school and be an alumni from there, finacially it might not be worth it. Just remember what school really will satisfy your needs, maybe it will take having to live at home to save money, maybe going to a community college first is what is needed. If you are so set on choosing a school just because of the name then there is nothing I can say to change your mind, but if I had the choce between my name brand and the community one who offers the same program, I think i made the wrong choice. I just feel like all this school does is take my money, and if I had paid less maybe I could have enjoyed myself more and really concentrated on my studies if worrying about paying those outrageous bills wasn't always in my head. So if you are passionate enough, there isn't a pricetag that matters, it's what you get out of it.
Make sure you know what it is that you want to do before spending alot of money. if you are not sure, attend community college which is ceaper.