I am an older student (33 years old), so many days I feel like I'm watching my younger self in many of my classmates. When I was finishing high school I lacked the drive that I do today, and I see that in many of my fellow students. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that the time is know to focus on your career. School is but the first step on your career path. I would tell myself to make the choices that put me on the path I want to continue down.
Talk to people. I was afraid at first but now realize that people are pretty much willing to talk with anyone about just about anything. Also, stay involved. I was very involved in high school extracarriculars and now not so much. Stay active too.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to worry about college. As long as I try hard and stay focused, everything will be okay. These days, there are many systems at schools that are set up to help the students make it through the program. They will help you with anything you need, you just have to ask for help and try hard.
The one major thing that I would tell myself is to search and apply for as many scholarships as possible. I am now in college and trying to find scholarships so I will not have to be in extreme debt when I complete college. If I were to apply for more financial aid, college would be a lot less stressful for me and for my family. Scholarships are relatively easy to find and if you're good as essays, they are pretty easy to fill out. I was not totally aware of how much the school would cost, and how much money I will have to pay back when I am done with school. Most of my financial aid are loans and I did not expect that when I was in high school. I had assumed I would be getting more money from the government, and that was not the case. So to the high school me: stop being lazy and apply for scholarships, the more money the better off you will be in the future!
Stay focused in school and work harder than play.
You made the right choose, you are going to love it here. There are a few things you should keep in mind this summer when you’re out having fun, you need money. This school is going to be a lot of work and if you hope to have some kind of social life you are going to need to save way more than you are right now. Be prepared for the hard work and time you will be putting in. Listen to everything Andrew tells you at the bake shop and try and stay as long as possible to pick up more information, and cash. That guy are you are going to meet at the end of the summer, he’s not worth your time! Drop him like a hat you do not have the time or money to be running back home every three day weekend.
Going to college is an important phase in growing up, as well as, the gateway to your future. Gone are the days when our parents would stand on top of us to do our homework and study, make certain we get to bed at a reasonable hour to enable us to get up on time for school, preparing our meals, possibly even cleaning our room. Attempting these traits on your own in high school can make for a much easier transition to college. Your high school transcript will dictate which colleges will accept your applications. Taking the right coursework in high school and maybe forfeiting that study hall to fill your schedule with more academic challenges can be more beneficial. Your SAT and/or ACT scores also play a very important role in college acceptances. If possible, take a course to help you study for the SAT and/or ACT. Taking these extremely important tests multiple times may also increase your chances for a better score. College does not translate to partying and freedom from the watchful eye of your parents. Certainly, you are given the freedom, but using your freedom wisely will translate to your success in life.
High school is nothing compared to college. Focus more and study especially in the basic classes. The program is set-up so each class plays off the beggining classes so make sure you master those first and the others will come easier.
If I could give my self any advice it would be that the first year is a hard transition and it is not all just a party in college but to keep your eye on the prize and remember that if you really love what you pursue and work hard at it you can be happy and go far.
Do not slack off, always stay on top of your school work. Allow yourself free time. Socialize with as many people as possible, this school is extremely diverse with people from all different cultures, connections are key for your future. Keep all notes about everything you learn, you will look back on them even if you think they are useless at the time.