CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

Describe the students at CUNY Bernard M Baruch College.


Baruch is a VERY VERY diverse school. When you come through the doors, you will blend into a population of all different colors, religions, and backgrounds. A lot of people are middle class and work hard to earn their money. Students tend to dress fashionably and neatly. There are also those who work at firms and companies already so its not unusual that 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the people that walk around are sporting business suits and work wear. There are the occasional sweats but this is not a residential college and people tend to care a lot about how they look. Politically, its very diverse...Basically, Baruch is a great reflection of the diversity that can be found only in New York City.


There are countless groups at Baruch. The most predominant group on campus would have to be Asian (including Middle-Eastern Asians), but despite this, there is a nice mixture of people at Baruch. There is no typical way of dress at Baruch, because students come in wearing anything from Ugg boots to Italian shoes, to Converses and jeans. Also, a lot of students work part-time (like myself) so many students dress in business attire. Different types of students definitely interact (which is great), and I don't go to the dining hall, so I don't know who typically sits with who. Politically, most students are moderate Democrats, and I have spoken with several classmates about how much I would like to earn one day.


There are a lot of active cultural clubs that are fun to participate in. I don't think students in Baruch could feel out of place unless they weren't used to being in a diverse environment. Most students dress in casual wear or business attire. Yes, different types of students always interact and it is amazing because Baruch is very diverse. Most Baruch students I would have to say are either Caucasian, Asian, and Black. Most financial backgrounds are that most students are from a middle class family.Students do talk about how much they'll earn one day and I myself have these conversations. I can say in Baruch college, many of us have big dreams of making a lot of money and we feel Baruch can help us.


Baruch has a very diverse student body, and everyone seems to get along just fine.


The most diversed school nation wide.... THAT IS FOR REAL!


This school is very diverse. I don't think any student would feel out of place. Most students wear jeans and a t-shirt. Different types of students interact, especially with group projects.


I've only had an experience with a religious student at Baruch and he tried to convert me to his religion. That's fine but he did waste some study time. No student would really feel out of place. Most students will either wear their work clothes or regular street clothes. Most students interact with each other. One table of students would have people doing homework for a class. Table 2 would have students just relaxing for lunch before their next classes. Table 3 would have a group of students playing poker. Table 4 would have students studying for class. Most Baruch students are from the city or it's other boroughs. Most students come from a middle-class financial background to a low-class financial background. Occasionally you'll run into the high-class financial background student. Most students are not politically active but they are aware of how things are in the country. Most students are center-right. Some students discuss how much they'll earn but it's more focused on what job they'll have rather than how much they'll earn.


I have no experiences with the groups on campus.


Very diverse. Mostly Chinese and Indians. 99.999999{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students have lived in New York throughout high school. Even the foreign students. No out of state kids. I've met like two, including myself. Students wear normal clothes to school, but you can tell the difference between how an NYU student would dress/act compared to Baruch students. To be honest, we look very street-like. Whereas places like NYU, look more clean-cut. Students are definitely not politically aware. I was trying to find someone to take with me to the Barack Obama rally, and everyone I asked was, "Obama, who?!" Shame.


The college is very diverse. Unfortunately, most racial and cultural groups stick together. The largest groups are Russians, Indians and Asians. No one would really feel out of place, unless they are the stereotypical frat boys who crush beer cans on their heads. Like I previously mentioned, there is not much Greek life at Baruch. Most students work and fall into the “middle class.” Students typically wear jeans and trendy shirts to class. Designer purses (Canal street isn’t too far away) are popular with the girls. Four table sin the college cafeteria would sit: 1) A Russian group of students playing cards and talking about a lounge party in Brooklyn 2) A group of cute Asian girls chatting and laughing 3) A diverse group studying and comparing notes 9yes, this is about the only time that different cultural groups come together) 4) A group of about 10 loud freshmen talking about a professor in an unflattering manner. Students aren’t active in campus politics. I only saw a few fliers advertising a college Democrats meeting. Most students are too busy worrying about getting all their required classes and going to work the next morning to be concerned with extracurricular activities. Baruch hasn’t changed me at all. I viewed school as a job that I had to commute to a total of 3 hours a day to.