again i dont go here
Most students are rather school spirited, but only students in organizations. This includes the frats and sororities, the school newspaper, people on the sports teams, the yearbook (me), etc. These will be the only people you see wearing t-shirts with the school mascot (the bearcat) or at least something that says Baruch on it.
But we all like to party too so that's something we all have in common.
Our college does not have dorms, but because its downtown brooklyn it has some nice scenary. There are plenty of good places to get something to eat close to school and there's benches you can sit on and eat outside if the weather is nice. There are many sports teams and tournaments involing students and staff. This past Holloween we had a haunted house.
Over 170 clubs, Baruch offers a lot for a college that's so small. However, it's such a packed school it may be your only way to meet people, unless you actively go out to meet people.
The basketball team is known to be pretty good as well as tennis. They are quite known to be a winning team. Greeks are typically active here too.I met most of my closest friends through a club. Some of our traditions are spring fling, BASU, relay for life, some events at lunch.
There is always something going on around Baruch, this time it’s a movie being filmed.
There are many clubs here, with the Investment Banking club being very popular. There are tons of sororities and fraternities which are based more on social interaction and school spirit, though. Baruch also has a state of the art theatre as well as sports teams.
Since this is a commuter school, there isn't much to say about parties or drinking, unless of course you are involved in one of the Greek organizations and find an outlet for that kind of social activity through them.
Whether you’re interested in joining a religious group, a frat, archery club or just want to go for one of the six honor societies, there always something you can do just in case you get bored with class or you think academics is not nearly challenging enough for you. Frats are not that popular, unless you’re one of those people who always wanted to join one because of something you saw on TV or when you visited that college outside of city limits and instead decided to come to Baruch. Nevertheless, the students can avail themselves of the opportunity to go to the theater and recital center, a hidden gem, which rivals that of many other colleges around the country. For instance, one may catch a Shakespeare play acted by students or a jazz recital played by famous local artists. It’s for you to enjoy!
Baruch College World Cup
Baruch activities - - there are many but most will never do anything involving school other than going to class and taking tests.
We don't have dorms, so our doors aren't open haha. Closest friends at Baruch were all met from the block of classes Baruch puts you in when you're a freshmen. In the same block, students have the same classes together so they can get to know each other. It's Tuesday at 2am, I'm probably studying for a Wednesday morning test. Other than drinking on a Saturday night, well I guess you can go to bed early. Baruch is not on my mind on the weekends. I promote nightclubs in Manhattan, so I keep busy myself and probably have one of the best social lives in Baruch.