CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are nearly 150 clubs so im pretty sure anyone can fit into one of them. I met one of my closes friend during my Freshman year of 06 while waiting on the line to take id pictures and it just so happened taht me and my friend ended up being in the same LC(Learining Commmunity). Up to this day we still hang out and talk and she is the best! By the way, her name is Jessalin Lam :-D


There isn't really much of a community or social life at Baruch. We have a little game room that's always crowded and you can't ever get a chance at any of the games. The theater is pretty cool, there are some great productions. The athletic events are boring, as no one really goes, and there is no hype for the games. I met most of my closest friends outside at the tables. If I am awake at 2 am, I am doing nothing that has anything to do with Baruch, or school at all for that matter. The only tradition that happens every year is the Spring Fling, which is an outdoor festival, with games and food and live music. It's actually really entertaining, and the only real FUN thing that goes on at Baruch. People party semi-frequently. Fraternities/sororities are not important at all. I think we have one of each, and all they do is promote parties. Last weekend I worked at my retail job. I can hang out with my friends on a saturday night, not drinking. Off campus I work and spend time with my boyfriend, who doesn't attend Baruch.


The most popular groups on campus would have to be the sororities and fraternities. During club hours (2 hours on Thursday when no one has classes/time for members of clubs to meet) the most noticeable people in the hallways are the fraternities and sororities trying to get new people to join and/or promoting an upcoming party of theirs. Unfortunately there no dorms at Baruch, so everyone commutes. Athletic events and parties are around, but I haven't attended any yet (nor has anyone I know attended).


There are too many groups and organizations that are active on campus that I really can't name just one. If you step into the club room you'll always see that it is very active in each club room. There are many athletic events and Baruch has a excellent Boy's and Girl's basketball team, that are on top of all the CUNY colleges. The dating scene is there of course, it is more evident when you're in a group or club and there are many events such as speed dating that clubs have. I met my closest friends through a dance team I joined in Baruch. On a Tuesday at 2 am, I am most likely working on a paper or doing my Math homework because it takes hours to do. Traditions and events that happen each year is voting for the undergrad government, Pep rallies, the Spring Fling is always really fun and many other activities we have. I do know a lot of party goers as Baruch does have promotors of clubs that have really great parties. Fraternities and sororities in Baruch aren't really as big as compared to the ones in other colleges but we do have a lot of fraternities and sororities. Last weekend, I had worked and was working on a powerpoint presentation I had to do for my English Lit class. On a Saturday night, there are a lot of things that I can do that doesn't involve drinking is something like starting on the paper that I have due or read because there is a lot of reading to do for each class. Off campus, I usually spend time with my family or friends. We go to the movies or go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. Baruch has a ton of restaurants in the area that have a wide range of excellent food. There are so many different kinds of restaurants in the area. Baruch's location is just amazing.


Activities and Social life are not bad. there are newletters, and posters in many places and helps spread awarness. too bad that this isnt also done for academics and educational programs.


No idea, I'm one of those people that work for a living.


Hillel is probably the most popular club on campus. I'm involved in the advertising society and organize networking events. There are no dorms in Baruch. Athletic events are not popular at all. Guest speaker events are very popular. Theater events are somewhat popular. Dating scene? Most people are in relationships. I've known my closest friends since junior high school. 2 am on a Tuesday, I would be with my boyfriend. I usually go to sleep at 2 am though. Events each year: marketing expo (the one I care about). People party on weekends. Frats and sororities are not that popular at Baruch. Last weekend I went to the movies with my boyfriend. On a Saturday night, I go to the movies, go to dinner, play billiards, go bowling, or stay in. Off campus, I spend time with my boyfriend.


Most popular clubs are the accounting and finance clubs. I was involved with the Investment Association which dealt with macroeconomic subjects and companies we were interested in. We do not have dorms. Athletic events aren't very popular. Only students with friends on the team will attend. Depending on the guest speaker, it might be popular. Primarily financial speakers from big companies will have a large audience. There are not many stage productions that I am aware of at Baruch. Most students date people they've known before Baruch. You'll see the Baruch only couples sometimes though. I met my closest friends through work and we found out we attend the same school. If I'm awake, I'm doing work. The spring fling is held annually. Most people party every weekend with the frats and sororities organizing events for most weekends. Frats and sororities play a relatively minor role on campus except during rush. On a Saturday night, you can check a movie, have dinner, bowl, pool, and many other events.


The most popular group on campus, I suppose, would be frats and sororities.


No dorms (commuter school) = No social life. The end. People sit at home on weekends, or hang out with high school friends. For out of state students like me, the weekend can really be a bore. No need to worry about drinking on Saturday nights, Baruch has no party scene.