CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of CUNY Bernard M Baruch College?

Is CUNY Bernard M Baruch College a good school?

What is CUNY Bernard M Baruch College known for?


Best thing about Baruch College was Frank's ( It was close by and always reliable. Quick bite to eat to get back to classes. It was filling and best pizza around. Economical too...


The big picture is that if your coming from somewhere in or around NY and your going to live with your parents during school, don't come. you won't get the full awesomeness of the city. also don't expect some sort of big campus type of school because that is the last thing it is.


The best thing about Baruch is probably the cheap tuition for a fairly good education. One thing I'd change is the no dorming ability. I spend most of my time on campus in class. There is no college town in New York City; this is the best city in the world, with plenty of opportunities; there is no need to sit under a tree and "study" like they show you in many college brochures. If you want to sit under a tree and study, go to Central Park. The biggest recent controversy on campus?...hmm...the escalators will never fully be working - - that pisses me off...but we don't have campus shootings (knock on wood). There is not a lot of school pride because everybody commutes, and who cares about athletics in a commuter school. Baruch is unusual in the amount of minorities going to school full time; literally every country is represented in Baruch which is pretty cool. Some complaints I hear from students are the work load for some classes, but moreover, the horrible professors. Some departments are good, but when a department is bad, like math/accounting department, there will be no good teachers to take to prepare you for the final.


It's a commuter school-- people come, go to class, and go home. Hard to make friends and that makes me sad.


The best thing about Baruch is that there are no boundaries to waht you cannot do. When attending Baruch, you are literally on your own. There are great people to meet there and Baruch offers so many programs and so many internships and networking luncheons and so many clubs and much more. If there were one thing I would change about Baruch, it would be the living environment. They should start creating dorms but I reaize this isn't quite possible as of right now since there is limited space. Baruchs administration isnot bad. They are very helpful and explain everything to you inorder for your process to go along in a smooth manner. There is definitely a lot of school pride in Baruch when it comes to USG elections; choosing President and VP. Nothing is really unusual to my eyes. One experience I will always remember in Baruch are their networking luncheons, and their internship program offers provided by different companies. It is such a wonderful experience. Most frequent student complaints are smoking. People are smoking way too much and it tends to bother those who do not smoke. Also the womens bathroom, the ladies tend to leave the water running all the time. Watch! One day there will be no water, then what will we do!


Baruch Campus is too small. It's nice and beautiful but too small. It feels more like work than school. Baruch College lacks the academic environment. It feels more like coming to work, without getting paid.


Because Baruch is part of the CUNY system, people who are unfamiliar with the school are unimpressed. However, people who know that Baruch is the best of the CUNYs react nicely. I spend most of my time at Baruch outside of the main building at the tables they have set up, or in the BPAC (Baruch Performing Arts Center). The best thing about Baruch is the staff. The professors are wonderful and knowledgeable and super helpful. The unfortunate part of Baruch is that it has no sort of "campus" atmosphere. Everything is very solitary, making it difficult for students to get to know each other. There is barely any school pride, the sporting events aren't really taken seriously (aside from the players). The most frequent student complaints are the elevators/escalators. The main elevators only stop on floors 2, 5, 8, and 11. at 2:30 on a monday afternoon it is nearly impossible to get to your class on the 13th floor unless you arrive 20 minutes early and don't mind waiting for an elevator for 15 of those minutes. The escalators only go up to the 5th floor, and they are ALWAYS broken. There is almost a 0{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} chance of getting all working escalators up to the 5th floor. because they're broken, there's always congestion of people trying to walk up and down the same escalator. We have express elevators hidden on the 1st floor, but even though not everyone knows about them or uses them, there's always a long line to wait. And the elevators are really small, so they don't even hold many people. Baruch has a beautiful library, but it's very hard to find any material within it.


Baruch is a school that's located near everything in New York City. Two blocks from the 6 train is a great deal. People at Baruch tend to be very driven because everyone here is here to earn their degree. Even in the prerequisite classes, the students tend to excel in and participate. I have participated in some very heated and educated arguments here and that makes learning much more exciting. I also spend a lot of time in the "Honors Lounge", or the 3rd floor of the Annex Building because that is where my academic advisers are located and a lounge is right next to it. I have joined a club named AIESEC which is a global organization. I can't go into it that much because there is not enough room here for me to expand on how its changed my life. It is an organization that brings together the business-side of me and the global citizen in me.


The best thing about Baruch is it's diversity. I previously attended 2 schools (junior high school and high school) that were very culturally homogenous, and I found it difficult to feel comfortable, and at Baruch I rarely have that problem. Of course there are the sororities and fraternities that rule the hallways during off-class hours, but other than that, finding someone to hang out with is on problem. I think that the size is just right for now, but as the student body increases, the space available for classrooms will need to increase as well. I spend most of my time on campus either in class or in the computer lab on the 11th floor (it's usually the emptiest one). Most people are surprised by the fact that I go to Baruch, because I was accepted to every school that I applied to, including NYU and Fordham, but I chose Baruch b/c it's the only school that offered me full financial aid, and has a great accouting program, and thus far I have no complaints. On the contrary, I know several people that feel that the registrar's office is a bit unorganized at times, but luckily I have not had any negative experiences with them.


Baruch College is part of a great university called The City University of New York (CUNY). Baruch College is known for their excellent faculty and at one point was the school that had more faculty mention in the media than Columbia or NYU. Baruch College is also know for its diversity proven by U.S. News and World Report for many consecutive years as the Most Diverse College in the nation. At Baruch there are over 170 clubs and organizations from which students can choose from getting involved. With many of the classes located in one building it is fairly easy to see your friends and with the helpful environment at the school making friends is that easy. What I would love to see for the school is a separate building just for their clubs and organizations like a Student Union building.