CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of CUNY Bernard M Baruch College?

Is CUNY Bernard M Baruch College a good school?

What is CUNY Bernard M Baruch College known for?


The best thing about Baruch is the opportunities it provides. We have an excellent career center that helps students find jobs and internships. This secures your future to know you have people helping you gain experience with something relating to your major. In addition, we also have a tutoring service, a writing center, mock interviews, resume reviews, etc. that are useful for students. Baruch is a satisfying size in my opinion because I would not be happy with a small school where everyone knows each other. I like the feeling that you can meet someone new almost everyday. When I tell people I go to Baruch, they immediately link it with business and my friend from Cornell even told me she heard that the prestige for Baruch is becoming better. There are not that many buildings for Baruch because there are the 23rd building which is also the same building the high school is in, the Vertical Campus (VC) building of fourteen floors that consists of a majority of classes and activities, and the library building across from the VC. Baruch is not exactly a town because it is located in Manhattan, the mid-town areas of 25th street and Lexington Avenue. People come and go and remain in a rush just like the rest of New York City residents because people seem to be living in a fast-paced world which is also witnessed at Baruch of people running to their next class or appointments. A big complaint at Baruch would be in the VC when you have to rush to class. Make sure you have at least 15 minutes to spare if your class is on the 11th floor or higher unless you plan to run up/down the stairs (which you might have to because the main elevators only stop on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th floor) because it is really crowded as we have to wait for elevators and people are jam-packed, squeezing their way just to fit in an elevator. Moreover, our escalators are frequently broken causing a traffic jam of people.


- The best thing about Baruch is definitely the number of activities that it is involved in. Located right at the heart of New York City, Baruch has access to some of the finest institution, right in it's backyard. Its students always have somewhere to go, something to see. - One thing I'd change is install additional elevators and working escalators. With the student population of approximately 15,000, it is crucial that students would be able to go where they need, at the time they need to. - The school is just right. With over 14 floors of access on the vertical campus building, as well the Newman Library and the 23rd Street building, it is enough to house everyone adequately. - When I tell people I go to Baruch, they ask "what's that"? I tell them about the history of Baruch, what it is most notable for, and then they begin to understand and accept my studies. - I spend most my time in the Newman Library and VC's computer labs studying and finishing assignments. - The Baruch administration is excellent. Everything is efficiently maintained, and is easily accessible, with minimal downtime. The staff is very friendly, always giving a helping hand, without a question. - The biggest recent controversy on campus I believe was the stolen CUNY laptop filled with sensitive Financial Aid information of thousands of students. - There is an extreme amount of school pride. Judging high turnouts to the sports games, various events and pep rallies, the participation and joy is always immense. - There is nothing unusual about Baruch, except for the unique architecture of the VC building. - One experience I'll always remember was right outside the vertical campus building. Not paying attention, I almost stepped on a pigeon that has been hit by a car. I believe I evaded a traumatic breakdown that day. - The most frequent complaints are the packed elevators during peak times and the non-functional escalators between the second and fifth floors. Another is struggling to properly swipe IDs on turnstiles.