I was able to figure out my passion from my college experience and that is why it has been valuable to attend. From working as a counselor in the student counseling center, I found my passion for helping others and was able to pursue a psychology degree and am now in graduate school studying to become a professional counselor. I had mentors guiding me towards success in school, these being my professors and supervisors, and I wouldn't be able to have such support if I didn't attend college.
In addition to finding my passion, I have made life long friends that I met in classes and I also met my husband in my last semester of college. I have gained maturity, confidence and critical thinking skills from the variety of classes I have taken and I know I am a better person because of my college experience.
College has helped me in so many ways both personally and professionally and I wouldn't change my college experience at all. It has shaped me into the person I am today and I continue to be grateful for the invaluable experience I had in college.
I have learned what life is all about in college and the importance of being educated. College has made me see the realities of what my future could look like if i could only concentrate and persevere long enough to make it in a male dominated world where few women hold high status. College has taught me to be self assured and unapologetically bold enough to stand on my own and face the world head-on. It has been valuable to attend college because i want to leave my mark on this earth by being an example to other young females like myself and to be able to garner respect from peers and also to achieve what few people have achieved so far and that is to make a difference in as many lives as possible. I want to save lives and build faith in individuals who have giving up on life and who's outlook on what could be has been lost. It's been valuable to attend college because i know i can only achieve those goals by being educated and self dependent.
Based on my college experience, I have experienced some of the responsibilites as an adult. I have not fully encountered what all adults go through but the number one on the list is responsibility. Many professors do not remind me that a deadline is imminent because I usually receive a syllabus with all the required information. As a result, I have to rely on myself to make sure I do the work and follow up on the professor. Otherwise, I would fall behind. Taking on this responsibility after I have graduated from high school was hard to follow since I normally relied on my teachers for reminders. However, after awhile I grasped onto the college life. This has been a very valuable experience for me as a step towards adulthood.
I definitely feel that going to college helped shape my mind set towards things. I have teachers that opened doors to new questions that I wouldn't have thought of asking before. Especially when you grow up in a society where you are taught not to ask questions. Luckily, living in America, you can ask question like who wrote this, who is it benefiting, who is it hurting? Now I understand why these questions are important. Now I can't even watch a commercial on TV without asking these questions. Reading the news has become more of a research project, then just a leisure activity. I want to know the truth, education helps you find it.
College can be defined as an instution of higher learning that offers specialized skills and instructions through a degree. So far, being a student for almost six months I have came to the realization that I have not acqured any particular skill that makes me superior to any other student who is not attending college. It would be helpful if highschoolers sought out to clearly find where their intellects, interests, and goals lie and stick to their plan. It has been valuable to attend a community college to get a better idea of who I see myself as in the future, and what fields will be open to college as soon as they graduate.
I got to know my friends and learn that in life nothing is certain. The most valuable things that I can learn is how can I deal with the uncertainty.
Upon graduating from Salinas High School in California, I was fortunate enough to receive a full scholarship to the University of California at Santa Barbara as a Dance and Dramatic Arts major. After two full years of full-time undergraduate study, I moved to New York City with a 3.49 GPA to pursue a professional dance career, thinking that a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts wasn't completely necessary as a new full scholarship to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center would more likely further my artistic and professional aspirations.
I can now confidently advocate, that although ceasing and ultimately postponing my academic education brought immediate satisfaction and accomplishment as a professional, internationally touring dancer, it limited my universal perspective and instigated a inner sense of intellectual inferiority.
I am happy to now say that these insecurities are falling away as I finished my first semester back in college in pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration to promote and develop the talent management company I created over three years ago. Therefore, my advice to myself as a high school senior would be "Trust in your education. It is truly a gift."
If I could go back to high school and talk to myself as a senior regarding college life I would explain there?ll be late nights studying and doing term papers. Don?t wait three weeks before your assignment is due to begin them, pace yourself. College life will be overwhelming; you'll be pulled in many different directions, but stay true to what you want to accomplish. There?ll be hard choices you?ll have to make about whether you should study or go out with friends. Study! You?ll have time to go to parties after the semester is over.
Transitioning from high school to a young adult in college won?t be easy. You?ll want to hold onto your old ways of being part of a group, hanging out with girlfriends who decided not to attend college and saying goodbye to negative influences. Let them go! Find organizations which will make world changes, make new friends and meet people who?ll influence and encourage you to the next level. Your first time in college only comes once in a lifetime enjoy this experience and don?t be afraid to make decisions on your own. Trust YOURSELF!
I would tell my younger self to do the research necessary to pick a college to attend. Just because the school is good on paper does not mean you will enjoy that particular school. I would also tell my younger self to try and apply for more scholarships. Trying alone is at least giving yourself the chance to either win or lose but not trying takes you out of the opportunity all together. College life isnt all about partying and having fun. It is the process of learning more about yourself and growing as a person. I would just enlighten him that its not all fun and games. Hard work is necessary to do things in this world today. Senior year is when everyone relaxed a bit and slacked off. I would have told myself to keep working hard in every and all classes. In college you cannot choose which classes to do well in and which ones your not. To get a solid GPA one must committ to the love of learning and tackling every challenge that awaits him or her. That is what college is all about and what I would tell my past self if I could.
There is nothing to be afraid of. Things may seem a little overwhelming. Each professor will tell you what they expect, and some professors will be more demanding than others. Your ability to make friends has always been your strong point, and when you go to college friends will be very helpful, so don't be afarid to start a conversation. Studying has never been my strong point, my advice would be to read topics or chapters that the professor assigns prior to the next class. Passing the class will not be very difficult compared to the finals, so remember to study, study, study for the finals. A bad grade can seriously drag down your GPA. Don't take ANY finals lightly.