CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What should every freshman at CUNY Bernard M Baruch College know before they start?


The transition from high school to college is sometimes misconceived as the transition from restrictions to freedom; I believe it is the opposite. The freedom to ignore responsibilities no longer exists in college. Instead, students have limited comfort and must take the initiative to get things done. This means that success is determined by the habits one possesses. If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would reinforce this belief, pat myself on the back, and say ?good job!? Before I came to college, I displayed habits that would help me in my college career. I used time management skills to balance my home work, my job and my personal commitment to run ten miles a day. I also used a fine tuned budgeting ability to separate my checks into their necessary fractions. I would say ?Rey; you?re right on track! Thanks to you I made the Baruch cross country team and I know how to pay my bills on time. I can manage my internship, running, and my studying in a comfortable way. Your ability to be responsible will bring us many rewards. Keep it up!?


So, Anam, you?re about to start college. This is it; time to build your future. My advice to you, and this is the best possible advice I can give you after a semester of college, is just read your textbooks on time, okay? Nothing sucks more than to have three incredibly boring chapters of political science to read the night before a test. And make sure you go to the admissions office and submit your AP English scores, because taking an intro to college writing class is like sophomore year of high school all over again, and you do NOT want that, trust me. And one other thing, kid. Don?t lose your head. Don?t stress too much. You have it all in you to conquer anything, and it?s just a matter of willpower. You make things difficult by avoiding them, so stop doing that. You?re intelligent and diligent, and you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. You owe it to yourself to work hard and have a good life. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Do it for us.


Real life and the economy has changed from when I graduated high school. I entered my first choice school, George Washington University, as a freshman in september 2007 with the world still as I knew it from my birth. And then came my sophomore year, september 2008, which coincided with the collapse of the stock market, job losses, businesses closing. As a result, unfortunately, I was asked by my parents to transfer to a more affordable school. So I spent much time that year filling out applications once again. After getting over the disappointment of having to leave friends and a city I came to know, I came to accept my new fate. Now I am a transfer student at City University of New York--Baruch College, making a new transition. For literally a fraction of my previous tuition, I have found that my classes are of the same quality, and the professors accessible. My advice would be to not close your mind to just one school. Being adaptable and accepting of situations out of your control are good attributes to have. More than one situation can be the right one for you.


College is about choices. You are in control and in charge of your own destiny. Get to know your college professors. They are your guides into infinite knowledge. Their job is to impart their experiences and in turn they learn from you. Remember that life full of great adventures. Grab a hold and go for it.


College is not a goal. College is the way to your goal.


think more carefully about what college you want to apply to.


I would give myself the advice to take as many college level courses as I possibly can, to experience the extent of college work. I would also tell myself to maintain good time management with work, extracurricular activities, and homework. And most importantly, I would tell myself to save my money, rather than spend most of it on shopping sprees. I made too many mistakes that I cannot go back in time to fix. However, it's better late than never.


Research a major and stick with it


Okay Felix, I don't care how annoying and boring your AP English and Calculus classes are but you better start being serious about it cuz it'll help you alot in the future, trust me... Oh yea, good job with the college now courses they really helped you should signed up or more so you can graduate on time or earlier. Dude I know I mentioned this before but I know your ass is stubborn and you won't do as I say but trust me you got to pass the Ap Calculus exam because this thing is gonna kill your college GPA because the class is just soooo boring. If you plan to do anything wild and stupid this is your time because in college they don't tolerate that shit also apply for more scholarships you idiot...


The advice I would have given myself, would have been to go to college right after high school. My biggest regret in life is waiting until I was 38 to complete my advanced degree.