CUNY Hostos Community College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of CUNY Hostos Community College?

Is CUNY Hostos Community College a good school?

What is CUNY Hostos Community College known for?


This schools has a lot of great benefits.


The best thing about the school that I attend is the flexibility of the classes, I am able to adjust my class schedule in order for it to fit my daily schedule. I also really enjoy the student life and groups that are offered here on campus. Being that I am 22 years old and I started college a little later then expected (as I was helping my mother run her daycare business). I find that I am pushing myself to catch up with my life interests. Hostos Community College has granted me the ability to open my eyes to reality and fit in to my schedule education, teaching me time management and value of liberal education along the way. I think my school is just right, given, the percentage of students that drop out is excessive; it is still very much an excellent school. There is a large amount of students that attend classed here but that doesn't bother me. People don't notice Hostos community college as a privileged school because it is not. It is a college that serves its community (which is a Hispanic native community).However, I am African American so the exclusive groups do not tend to me. Unfortunately there are no CUNY schools that were founded specifically for African Americans in NY. Aside from my rant, when I tell people that I go to Hostos community College I don't get a reaction. In a sense I like it that way. The most frequent student complaints are about the constant change of policies in our academic coaching units. It is very much understood by the students that there are two forces working against each other when it comes to the "higher up's" Nevertheless the staff that is fighting to keep the promise of Hostos community college alive is greatly admired by the student population.