My favorite class teaches us about leadership in the profession I am pursuing, and the professor states out methods of management of very realistic situations. My least favorite class discussed very specific nursing research techniques and research terminology.
Some nursing students are almost always studying.
Class participation usually only involves a handful of students.
The most unique class I took at Hunter was my intro English course. Prof. Steinkoler themed the readings and assignments to "Monster," which made everything very fun.
Hunter's Nursing program has very high expectations of their students. All students are expected to embody many characteristics of the nursing school's nursing philosophy, such as knowledge & integrity.
Hunter's academic requirements are sufficient for a Baccalaureate.
In some classes professors get to know your name, if the class is not too big. Most students I know don’t spend time with professors outside of class, unless they are assistants or grad students. Hunter’s academic requirements are a bit of a drag, but that extends to the CUNY system and the need for prerequisites that don’t concern your intended major. It’s better to get them done elsewhere and then transfer in. The education is geared toward learning AND getting a job. But the students I know in liberal arts worry they’re wasting their time learning for something they won’t find a job for!
Professors will know your name in smaller, upper-level classes. In intros and lectures you're just another face. Most favorite classes are usually upper level challenging psych classes taught by adjuncts from all over (columbia, weill-cornell, the proffesional sector). I had a media class taught by an NY Times editor who had different NYT writers come in to speak with us every week, amazing experience.
Studiousness depends on your major and level of your classes. competition is the same way, it's chill in my department, but i hear the sciences have some issues. Intellectual conversation can be found if you want it.
Department is huge but no complaints. It's up to students to find mentors, get involved in research projects, keep themselves updated etc etc.
Core requirements are huge and super-complicated. They're trying to change that now, but a lot of students get messed up by the GERs (general edu requirements) and you hear about people who stay an extra semester or scramble to take credits the summer after their grad date.
Edu seems geared toward learning for its own sake, or prep for post-college education, but there are some exceptions.
Because Hunter college is a commuter school, relations with professors are usually minimal. Students rarely befriend their professors, and once the class is done, rarely even see their professors in the sea of faces traversing Hunter's hallways. this usually occurs within the first two years at Hunter, when the student may not have a particular major and attends opposing classes which have little to do with the other, such as Math and English; and the classes are held in large auditoriums. However, once the student has chosen a major, and has taken the initial introductory courses, classes tend to slimmer down. And the professors are more intimate with their students, more willing to provide individual attention and do not fumble with your names!
When classes do slimmer down to approximately 25-30 students, participation becomes crucial. This depends on the major, of course. And I can only speak as an English major. English majors are encouraged to speak out regularly and state their observations and or opinions about the text(s) they are reading. However, there are always a few students, like myself, who sit in the back, are more timid or shy, and cannot formulate thoughts quickly in a classroom setting. This aggravates most professors, so raising a hand from time to time is a must, no matter how shy you are. Fortunately, when it comes to English lit., anything mentioned is relevant to the text, and rarely are observations deemed incorrect. Also, fortunately, many professors are starting to utilize blackboard to create discussion groups, providing students, like myself, to express our ideas about the reading material in the comfort of our home. One of my favorite and unique classes, African American Narratives (or ENGL321), employed this method, and the diversity within the class evoked many important issues regarding race and ethnicity involved in the text, which many might have been uncomfortable to voice in class. Other classes, such as Eng220, an introductory course required for the deceleration of the English major, was a large class and did not utilize blackboard discussion groups. This resulted in more introversion within the class, and the professor's inability to recall many students by name. The class ended on a bland note, and most of what was discussed remains predominately forgotten.
When it comes to the English department, or many departments in Hunter, one of the most irritating aspects is the need to take redundant pre-requisits, or minors that have nothing to do with your desired major. This happens when students transfer from other colleges or systems (SUNY) and discover that many past credits have become obsolete. Another problem is the requirement to declare a major after a certain period (about half a year). Students who do not yet know their intended major are forced to beg various departments to let them assume that major, until they have chosen concretely. The english department is know to be the most fickle; immediately turning anyone away upon discovering the real reason for requesting the major. Other departments, such as anthropology (my former "major") are more content to oblige and aid the student in such tribulations. At my request, I was even told by a representative: "ha! we're the NICE department," as she printed her signature on my major request documents. Such requirements create tensions among the students toward certain departments. And I feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed.
When it comes to academics at Hunter students (at least the ones I have talked to) are more geared toward getting a job than learning. Though I do not particularly think this attitude is confined only to Hunter, but the American society as a whole. It is mostly from students studying from abroad that I sense a true passion for the subjects they are learning, and making a real effort to connect to their fellow students. Studying habits often depend on how much the student has on his/her plate in his general life. Most students who work seem to contribute more attention to their work than their studies, I find. Others,like myself, who are lucky enough not to need to have time consuming jobs are able to contribute more ours to study and school related work.However, there is a healthy competition among students, though how much is geared from within an individual aspiration or is the product of society's growing demands to succeed is not known.
My professors have always known my name. With enormous classes, I make sure that I make myself known.
My favorite class at Hunter was Religion and Science. I never realized how much each disipline contributes and enriches the other.
You can almost always hear students having intellectual conversations outside the classroom.
The Religion department is probably one of the best in the country. It is an intimate department with an almost excessive amount of guidance and care from the faculty and department heads. I am currently taking an honors seminar with the head of the department, and the classroom is the professors living room. About ten of us sit around in her cozy home right near Hunter and eat, drink, and talk religion.
Many professors do know my name. My favorite class is the graduate class Media & Violence by Prof. Gorelick and other Women's Studies classes, such as the psychology of women and Immigration and Gender. Students are very active in class and we often stay long after class, engaging the professor with our questions and lively discussions. I am a marketing and public relations double major and psychology minor.
The academics at Hunter are amazing. Most of the professors are ivy league graduates, and are very friendly. They often are masters of their subjects, and are able to impart that knowledge to the students. Some of the professors are personable. The level of passion in the classroom is lacking a little. Most of the students just coast through the classes and exams, often asking very few questions and not getting involved. In my department sepcifically, the Accounting Department, the professors are amazing. Outside of class they are always willing to talk to you about whatever you want. The advisors will bend over backwards to help you through the process of selecting the right classes and getting through in 4 years.