CUNY Lehman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at CUNY Lehman College know before they start?


You already think that the work is easy. Do the work first and play video games all night long. Remember, Mom and Dad said that we could do anything that we want as long as our grades are good. I'm also from the future, so believe me when I say that you get awesome Christmas presents for a few As. Get some tea, listen to some music, do your work, and then game all night long. You'll love high school.


I would tell myself to stop worrying so much about the little things that were affecting me at the time. The reality is that high school is its own world in itself, and when you're in high school, it seems like that is the only thing that matters. Fights with friends, a low quiz grade, or a rough day in general isn't the end of the world, and although it doesn't seem like life will change so drastically after high school, it definitely does. In college, no one cares what happened in high school - how popular you were (or unpopular) or all of the little mistakes you made in those four years do not matter anymore. After senior year, friendships might change and it's okay because you can always make more. Not everything needs to be such a serious matter, because in the few months between graduating high school and college, you realize that things are different now.


I would tell my High school self that in order to prepare myself for College that I need to learn how to present and thoroughly research a College paper properly. In High school the teachers unlike the professors in college do not baby you or remind you every second of when your paper that you have to do research on is due. There are some Professor’s who will occasionally remind their students about the assignment but others might not do that. They assume that since some students are more mature and are grown. Who have completed their degree or finishing that it is automatically understood, that they are responsible for any work that is required of them. No matter what life complications that will occur such as a family drama issues or a baby’s daycare needs. College Professor’s are very strict when it comes to punctuation and students being available 100 percent of the time. It can severely affect the student’s grade. If a student is absent 3 or more times without a doctor notice and comes to class after attendance is taken, and the student will be considered absent for the day .


I would tell myself to not panic, college isn't as scary as you think. There is a lot of people buslting about and you won't make that many friends but that's okay, because you have yourself and your family and a few close friends and thats enough. I would tell myself that it is okay not to know what you want to do for the rest of your life, because you'll find that a lot of people just like you aren't sure either, and that 's what college is about, figuring out who you are and who you want to be. I would tell myself to plan for the future, but stay open to options and don't be afraid to take a little leap of faith. Leaps of faith can take you to amazing places that you never thought you could go before, be brave and nothing can stop you. Above all I would tell myself that you are good enough, you will make it, and you will rise above all of the hardships and be the person you finally want to be.


I would tell myself to have more confidence in my ability to do what I wanted to do, and not let others' opinions influence my decisions. I let other people persuade me into choosing a specific school and major that I was not really passionate about, instead of the one that I was because I told myself that pre-med was too hard and I would not be successful. Now, three years later, I am starting over at a different school with the major that I originally wanted to do, pre-med. A prestigious school name or ranking, having good grades, and making lots of money after school mean absolutely nothing if you are not happy with the career path that you have chosen.


I would tell myself to be more open to the idea of going away to college instead of commuting. Also to take core classes first and understand what classes are needed for your degree. Get involved in school clubs that have your interest and participate in school events; you will make lots of friends and it will look great on your resume. Take at least one summer course a year so you will not need an extra semester because six classes each semester is too much while working part-time. It is okay to withdraw; if you are going to fail the class withdrawing is a better option because it will not hurt your GPA. Have a planner or use your phone to keep track of when assignments are due. It will help better organize your time to complete big projects, papers, or presentations. Lastly, take responsiblity for your future; make sure you understand the classes you need to take, the graduation process and other processes of the college such as the dates you need to pay by. Do not rely solely on the advisors at the college because sometimes there are miscommunications.


The world is yours as you set off to achieve your ambitions. The excitement of independence and new academic journey begin to dim with unforeseen insecurities and challenges. It's okay to be worried by setbacks, don't let it consume you. You're human and vulnerable to mistakes and defeat, more importantly you have promise to be brilliant and spectacular. Don't sink. Continue with more dedication and fire. There is more to you than lost battles; they are insignificant before your dreams and what you deserve. Everyone knows hard work, time management, and commitment are important for success. It's equally necessary to surround yourself with a support system that reminds you to love and forgive yourself. Half the burden will vaporize. Refuse to be intimidated by the steadfastness and dexterity of the tortoise or the speed and confidence of the hare. Your goal isn't to compete with your peers. Your education serves to illuminate and secure your future. Don't lust for profound wisdom or knowledge, doing so will make you shallow. You're complete and competent in your simplicity, this will take you to success. You've done well, and I'm proud of you.


Don't take your education for granted. It may not seem that the homework and grades in high school are pointless but only later will you find that the grades you recieve in high school will affect the rest of your life. Learn "how to learn" instead of simply memorizing for an assignment or test the night before. Organization is the key to getting things done and completing coursework on time. Utilize the tools available to you , like the library, teachers and counselors in order to make your college life easier.


If I were able to go back in time to visit myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to use this opportunity as a second chance. I would tell myself that I doesn't matter what college I attend, but what I do with my time there both academically, socially, and career-wise. I encourage myself to never lose the drive to do better and to develop a competitive nature by befriending the best and the brightest to challenge myself with. For even if I never surpass those students, there is an increased chance that I will sustain a very high GPA and have fun while I am working so hard. Since I have always believe that kinship or companionship makes for a better journey, I would tell myself to form friendship with a diverse group of people, because these are the people that will eventually be my foundation and motivation to continue pass all the hurdles I will definitely face. Although I have been successful in areas of my life inspite of a few hiccups along the way, I would tell my past self that having fun and working hard would make me a happier me.


The schedule in college is very flexible. You can decided what time and day would most likely be best to take according to your personal schedule. College is not as intense as everyone makes out to seem. Yes, there is material and essay that will be required to be completed but overall the workload is very managable. You dont need to know what your major will be and you dont have to declare a major until you reach approx. 60 credits. Dont feel afraid to ask questions to any department regardless if it annoys them, they are here to help you.