I graduated high school in 2003. I didn't go to college until 2008. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would've put a lot of emphasis on going to college right after high school. College life is great and making the transition wasn't that hard. I would've liked to experience that when I was younger with many of my other high school friends. It saddens me to see that a lot of them have already acheived their Bachelor's degree and are in graduate school while I'm still working on acheiving my Bachelor's degree. I am proud of myself for taking the necessary steps to get myself back on track, but if I could go back and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would've stressed going to college right after high school.
Go with your first choice in school. Don't let people persuade your decision. Enjoy your college years.
The whole purpose of college is to train students to become a vital part of society. Society needs college students now more than ever before. This is because the socialization of college is incomparable. Necessary skills are acquired within the four walls of the college classroom.
As a student, one of the most important things I have learnt in college is that it is only in the dictionary that success comes before work--only because “s” comes before “w”. In real life, one has work comes before success. This means that as one lives, one has to work in order to attain success and become noteworthy. It also emphasizes the fact that things are bound to get tough and rough at times, but determination and perseverance would surely see one through.
As a student, I have also learnt to make good use of acquired information in all situations of life. Being taught so many things in college, one would wonder what to do with such material. Sometimes, the information could be overwhelming; nevertheless, acquiring the information and using it in our everyday experiences is an indication to society that one has seen the four walls of college.
I have learned to stay open minded in terms of work study and socializing. Something might not seem for me at the moment but I learned that it could be I just have ot trust myself and God's timing. I have not experienced much because I am on the verge of being a college freshman.
My college experience has allowed me to meet professors, in varied fields, that personify passion and success in their fields. In other words, they love what they do and do what they love. These professors take the time to find creative ways to engage their students; therefore, ensuring our understanding, opening our minds to other disciplines and helping us locate our passions. As a result, I have reignited a previously lost passion and found a greater appreciation for subjects that, prior to these classes, I had little interest in. I have also come to a deeper understanding of the importance of multi-disciplinary training for a truer perspective.
It has been valuable to attend college for three reasons. One, I have been able to determine, without a doubt, that my career choice is my true passion. Two, the heightened cultural awareness from a diverse student body has been extraordinary. They have demystified myths and enabled me to understand the strong desire I have to work on an international level. Last, yet certainly not least, by finding new strengths and refining old ones I can be successful in my personal and professional life.
I've learned how to be more flexible, compromising and out spoken about me work. Instead of sticking to myself and my profeesors helped me get out of my head most of the time, though at times i go back but their words keep me in check when I need it. I won't forget it.
I completed both my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Cuny Lehman College. The college experience provided me an opportunity to express myself and learn more about me and who I wanted to become later in life both professionally and personally. I had the invaluable experience of learning from great professors in my chosen field that have really made a difference in how I conduct myself as a teacher in the classroom.
The one thing I think I really learned in college was to take responsiblity for myself. I did not have teachers coming after me for work or reminding me when work was due as I did in high school. I had to learn to leave myself enough time to complete the assignments while working. That lesson has helped me more in my professional life than most of the material that I learned during my college career.
Before I attended college I had very little experience of the world beyond my hometown. Going to community college brought me into contact with new people from diverse backgrounds and life way?s; people, whom I believe have taught me as much about the world over the last two years as I have learned from the textbooks and lectures of my college professors. As a result of their stories and actions, I am more aware of the social issues and cultural differences that surround me, and more likely to ask intelligent questions when I encounter them. Additionally, this awareness has lent me the finesse and the courage to bring my own ideas into the discussion of what makes us human and what the role of humanity is in the contemporary world. As an artist, anthropologist, and individual person looking for her place in this world, I value this awareness as the greatest gift my college and the people that inhabit it have given me, and hope that that it will help me to be a more effective person in the world of which I am part.
If i could go back in time to talk to myself, the first advice would be to get my Associate Degree immediatley. Get it out of the way, no matter how unsure and confused I am with what direction I would like to continue. After the 2 years have gone by, if i need to take some time to "find myself", I should travel to different places so that that i could continue learning about the world and myself. The second advice would be to concentrate on college and keep focus because as hard as it may be, it is even harder to catch up after you have wasted so much time. Find out what you love to do by meeting and talking to new people. Dont be afraid to try new things. Always follow your heart. Once you find what you love to do, do it. Life is too short to be wasting it on a career you hate.
To work harder because the higher the average a person has in highschool the more awards a person ends up receiving in the long run. College is a new start and that highschool is only something that prepares you before you enter a place where you have to be serious and consistent with your work. It's like a job and your only pay is the knowledge that you are aquiring. I would also try to see how I would save up money so that I will not be so badly in debt when I am in college. Also to take college seriously it is not like the movies where people drink and do not care about class that is only in the movies. If you do good in highschool you will prepare yourself and be succesful at college.