As a senior I would tell myself to choose a school in the area that I would like to work in. Choose a school strong in the field of study desired. A school with the creditabililty to get a good job upon graduation. Choose a school with strong internship capability and placement. A school that will support your eating habits ie. vegetarian. A strong campus community and strong school pride. School with many extra curricular activities and sports teams that fit you best. Do not worry about the finances as much as doing well. Network as much as possible and develop strong relationships with key people. Have a clear goal as to what you want to accomplish and execute it. Plan future and goals out and reevaluate progress periodically. Seacrh for scholarships to help with cost of college. Study abroad and enjoy the experience. Try not to work a full time job or too many hours if possible. Think long and hard about where you choose to go and research as much as possible as it will heavily influence life. Do not choose a school based on being division 1 in NCAA. Do as many internships as possible.
In order to be successful in life I suggest that it is best that you know what you want to do in life so you get a head start in the neccesary classes. Take time to research prerequisites that are mostly required for your major so when you register you know exaclty what classes to take so you don't run out of time in the future. Also, expand you choices. Apply to as many colleges as you can and as many scholarships as you can as well. Once you have completed everything just choose the college that is perfect for you so you can avoid transfering and loosing credits in classes you have taken. Once you are college be open into meeting new people and be prepared for long study hours in the library. And also take note that each semester is harder than the next but if you have the support from your family everything will be great along the way!
To save more money and dedicate myself to school more. To research schools more effeciently and vist them.
If i could go back in time, and have coffee with myself as a high school senior, there are a few things i'd say to myself.
One of the most important things I would try to impress upon myself would be the value of time. I'd try to convince myself to give up the age old practice of procrastination. That when a professor gives you a week to write a paper, Do not wait till the night before its due to start writing it. If you know there is going to be an exam two weeks from now, start studying tonight.
I would also try to convince myself to apply to more than just one school. I would lay out the values of cultivating more than oppurtunity as opposed to "laying all one's eggs in one basket"
The last thing I would tell myself is to remember, that the only person that can ever stand in the way of accomplishing a goal, Is myself. Sometimes you get a professor who doesn't care, and the way to deal with that is to succeed in spite of that.
I would say that, I need to focus more on my school work and stop being a procrastinator. Take the time to filled out college application properly.
Don't leave things to the last minute. If you want to get something, fight for it.
If a miracle happened and I was allowed to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would most likely tell myself to take school more seriously, and enjoy the last year of high school, because even though most people say college is the best years of your life, the work only gets harded and if you don't keep up, you will FAIL. There is no body pushing you to do your homework or hand in your papers, its all up to you, and 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time, you will procrastinate. So, in conclusion to all this, I would tell myself to enjoy doing "nothing" in high school.
Hello Estefania,
I want you to know that college is not as terrifying as you may think so don?t let your anxieties take over you. I think one important key pertaining to academics is to always do the best work you can. Never underestimate your workload and seriously kick the habit of procrastination that will only serve to hinder your efforts for good grades. When you arrive to college you have to be willing to shed your shyness since it will completely prevent you from fully enjoying all the aspects of college. Putting aside your drive for high grades being a mute seat warmer in class will not make you feel fulfilled. Develop your voice and do not be afraid for it to be heard since that?s all professors want to listen to. Also feel free to be yourself because there is nothing more motivational than good friends in college. Do not isolate yourself because the friends you make will not only help you when you?re struggling with a course but they will enhance your social life and aid you into learning more about yourself.
You Are Awesome, Estefania Ure?a
i would tell my self to take as many classes as i can and to get involved in the campus.