CUNY Queens College Top Questions

Describe how CUNY Queens College looks to someone who's never seen it.


A very good learning environment with skilled professors who teach in an engaging manner.


A center for excellence. Queens College is the model of New York city. The majors are as diverse and ethnic as the student population. It is one of the best, if not the best city college in New York, hands down.


It's a school that promotes self discovery, planning for the future, academic honesty and acheivements within a friendly and convienant location.


Queens Collge is a commuter school that now has dormitories, therefore the campus body is made up of all types of students from working parents to fresh out of high school kids.


It's a large school allowing me to meet so many different people making it an interesting experince esipally coming from a school with only four students.


Queens College is urban, diverse, and organized.


Everything is what you make it. Do what you have to do and things would be less difficult. You have to work to reach your goal. When you suceed, you'll know it was worth it. If you fail- so what?, try again- you've gained knowledge from you're mistakes. Manage your time and have fun.


Queens College is diverse, exciting and rarely dull; yet, it offers the best education around, comparable with private colleges.


I would rate my overall experience a 6 out of 10


Queens College is a lovely campus.