You're worried about college, but you shouldn't be. Yes, you have little money to spend on furthering your education, but there are numerous ways to pay for college. Besides, isn't personal growth worth any expense? There are scholarships available for students just like you. You do not have to settle on an inexpensive college that will not give you a valuable experience because you do not have the money to pay for a more established school. Money aside, you will do fine in college. You will buckle down when necessary and excel. However, do not forget to have fun. Get involved in student organizations. College is more than going to class and earning excellent grades. Of course that is important, but it is also important to become part of your college's community. You will meet people who will broaden your view of the world. Education is more than just books and papers; it is growing as a person and learning how you can impact others. My advice for you is to be unafraid. Take all you can from these years; they will serve as an important foundation for learning in the rest of your life.
The advice I would give myself would be to work my butt off. Keep my grades up as high as I could get them, I slacked off my senior year and didn't try as hard as I could have. I graduated with a 3.4 GPA, which I am proud of, but I got that without studying or really trying hard at all so to just think if I would have put in more effort I could have gotten my GPA closer to a 4.0 and provided myself with a lot more oppertunities. Apply for all the scholarships and grants as possible even if there is a slight chance of my getting it.
Stay focused, do NOT take the scenic route, and really think about what it is you want to go to school for. They say the average college student changes their major 5 times while attending college, I've changed mine three times before landing on education. I really wish i did not use valuable time chaseing a degree i was not passionate about and was focused from the beginning.
The one thing I would advise myself is do NOT procrastinate it doesn't get you anywhere. Procrastinating will make your life stressful and will make you break down. Take all the chance you got to complete everything in time so you won’t have to worry about it later on. You should always make time to study. Also spend plenty of time to be with your friends because you won’t see them much later on. Once you graduate everything won’t be the same things will change and the real world will be waiting. College will soon start faster than you think and the atmosphere will be different. You will meet new people and maybe reconcile will old friends. But overall have fun will senior year and college will be waiting for you in the next chapter of your life.
It is all about your academics! Dont worry about relationships or your position within a certain group. Think that every morning, everyone wakes up, stretches, and says who can I screw today!
If i could go back into time and talk to my highschool senior self I would tell her that she needs to get it together early research colleges and scholarships stay up on her OHLAP and gpa and grades. i know and understand that graduating is exciting to you and prom sounds exciting, but focus more on what your going to do when your no longer in highschool how are you going to survive where do you see your self 5 years from now doing what and where at. you had the best intentions but change the path your on right now get up get active and pay more atttetion to whats going on around you i understand you dont have the support system you need from mom grandma daddy's in jail so you feel alone but i promise you it'll be so much better if you just open your eyes and put shantavia and her needs first learn how to say know put your head deeper in the books learn to love your self and hold your head up high. in the end you will be happy.
If I were able to go back in time and advice myself about college life I would say, "Apply yourself the best of your ability." By the best of my ability I mean to get ready to take college seriously and to not procrastinate.
First of all, I would tell myself to apply to for scholarships. Having money to attend college would make the transition so much easier instead of worrying about where the money will come from to attend the semester.
Secondly I would tell myself to not leave homework and essays to the last minute. To make sure to read the chapters assigned the night before and not the first ten minutes of class. To really just take it seriously, because this is college.
Whatever you do, try to be open to new types of people, ideas and activities. Do not be apprehensive or timid. Use this time in life to spread your wings a little and take full advantage of all the opportunities afforded you. Work hard, behave appropriately to your upbringing and values system, yet be tolerant of others and their values and ideas. Don't feel pressed to look ahead to completion of the program and forget to enjoy the learning opportunities along the way. Make observations, not judgments, and keep your mind open to change and redirection. For every two nice things that you do for someone else, do a small nice thing for yourself. Keep a journal of this time and make notes that might help you or someone else somewhere down the line. Be organized and stay on task, but allow time to just be, enjoying nature and quiet. Give yourself time for reflection after each new experience.
Dear Jose,
I'm writting you to tell you that anything that you did to get to college will not get you through college. Jose first you have to dedicate your entire life to school. Prioritize your time making school first and evrything else second. if you are working do your best to live a work life balance so that you dont take your time from learning for working. Do not be afraid to make friends but the right ones, the friends you make in college will determine how good of a grade you get. if you chose friends that deciate there life to school and school is number one on there list of to do's then you will probably end up getting good grades. The more you have the subject in your mind the bettere it is to remember the subject for a test. Jose make sure to leave a block just for studing. dedicate your life to school because this is your life that your dealing with. if your shooting for the best than for get the rest and dont settle for anything else than the best.
I love you jose,
work hard play later
I never went to high school, i had to drop out after i graduated the eighth grade. I would tell myself to be organized, study hard and play less be more worried about getting the A than the just passing C because it all matters. Your education is the most important thing, because without it employers wont take a second look at you, life will be downright difficult for you.