My classmates are fun, supportive, laid back but extremely smart, focused and athletic. They might appear to be laid back and granola, but in reality they are an accomplished and brilliant lot. They are attending an Ivy school for a reason.
There is a place for everyone at Dartmouth, and that includes both some of the greatest people I've ever known and a lot of corporate tools who are more interested in their resumes than anything that goes on in class. There are a number of incredible professors here, who are really dedicated to teaching, above all else, and sharing their passions with their students, but there are also a few lackluster ones. The fraternity scene tends to dominate social life if you let it (and a lot of people do). There's a lot of amazing stuff going on at Dartmouth, including some incredibly helpful resources, but to find them, you will have to seek them out. I have undergone immense personal growth and fulfillment while here, and I can't imagine having gone to any other school, but what I will remember about this school are the wonderful individual relationships I formed- I have no love for the institution.
Many people love everything about the school when they first arrive, but find themselves growing dissatisfied with aspects of Dartmouth as they find out more. The problem with this is that a lot of people on campus are pretending to be happier and more self-reliant than they really are. People are scared to ask for help, because they're so used to doing well on their own, and people are afraid to be unhappy, because Dartmouth is supposed to be this wonderful community where everyone is supposed to be getting what they want out of the experience. And I have found wonderful communities within Dartmouth, but the important thing to know is that if you are unhappy, or struggling, or both, you are not alone, and you do have a niche here, but you do need to make the effort.
My classmates are driven, engaging, and relateable young adults, not very different from myself.
Pretty diverse although a lot of people DO come from prep/boarding schools. People take academics seriously, obviously, but it's not really that apparent outside of the library and the classroom.
My classmates are ambitious students who are some of the brightests students I've met; they know how to work hard but also have a lot of fun in the process.
Fairly diverse. Sometimes I feel like there are people here who just shouldn't be here, because they're not comfortable with the rural New England location and they don't like snow. You really have to embrace the small town feel of the campus to be happy, and some kids just aren't willing to do that, which puzzles me. However, the diversity is generally a good thing.
We've got people from all over the country (from LA to Miami, Seattle to New York, Houston to D.C.), and not as many people from the northeast as you would expect (although that is still the most heavily represented area within the student body). There are plenty of international students, who really add a lot to the school in terms of their perspectives and opinions. Everyone gets along really well. In the dining hall, you usually can't identify the people sitting at one table from the people sitting at another table, unless there's a whole sports team sitting together!
My classmates are brilliant people eager to take on new challenges and make a difference in their own way while having a blast!
They know when and how to have fun as well as work hard.
They are friendly, helpful, and really interesting.