Davidson College Top Questions

Describe the students at Davidson College.


Predominantly white.


there is a very diverse student body. maybe not socioeconomically, but there is a good racial mix, and people who bring various life experiences. i've learned a lot from my classmates and friends and wouldn't change them for the world


there are 4 maybe 5 types of Davidson students -those that go out and are members of Patterson Court -members of Davidson Outdoors and the Ultimate Frisbee team -supper religious, church, bible study types -turbo nerds -athletes


Can be neurotic at times and over committed. People are very consumed with school work and grades and on the weekends very consumed with hanging out and relaxing. We work hard and play hard. Overall, you will never find a group of students so genuine, honest, compassionate, and accomplished. The stereotypes that exist at some schools don't here. The frat guys aren't all sketch and drink too much beer. The blond girl with a short skirt isn't always a hoe. You be surprised who you meet here. Some frat guys write poetry and are amazing artist. In the end, we are all got into this competitive school so we all have something to offer.


recent acts of racist vandalism have resulted in more open dialog between students, staff, and faculty about racism. generally preppy. mostly middle- and upper-class. some international students, but not a lot. most students live on-campus. gently southern.


White Upper middle class from the east. We are not a very politically active community, but we sure as hell are politically aware.


There isn't much racial diversity on campus. Although this is something the school consistently works on, it is a difficult hurdle to overcome. There are very active student groups focusing on diversity (think GSA), which are inclusive to all those who are interested. Students generally wear jeans to class, although the athletes typically show up in athletic wear.


Students love to have fun, but are also driven to succeed.


not very open to new ideas (racially, sexually - homophobia is rampant)


Not too diverse, but rich in its quality of students Very open and pretty liberal about issues concerning race, gender, religion, etc Most students come from wealthy backgrounds, but so many I have met have not let money badly affect their characters The biggest characteristic about davidson students is how intellectual and motivated everyone is. We all just dorks, and we all really do want to learn and change the world in some way.