Davidson College Top Questions

Describe the students at Davidson College.


Coming from a more diverse high school, neighborhood, and family it was definitely hard to come to Davidson where there is less diversity than I am use to. I've just had to realize that I need to maintain my beliefs and not be bothered by the views of others.


Davidson is made up of the most eccentric, insane, kind, awkward people in this country. The diverse studnet body will kae even the weirdst person find their niche.


people dress up here compared to other schools. ive had some friends comment on that when they came to visit.


haha small, smart, and INTENSE! we all are, the only thing that changes is the degree.


not as diverse as most students would like but there is great initiative to be more diverse


the student body is not very diverse, but is not completely homogenous. there is a different kind of diversity here - not only a plethora of nationalities and races, but also an array of people with different ideas, religious beliefs, and upbringings. it seems that the majority of students are well-off financially, but money is not really discussed or made out to be very important here.


While our student body isn't the most diverse, there is a lot of opportunity to experience a lot of different cultures. There are clubs and events regarding all sorts of cultures and religion. Some people say that our lack of diversity is our weakness, and yes it could stand to be better, but we're a small liberal arts school in a small town in North Carolina. It's what I expected. I don't feel like people make clicks here. Everyone has their group of friends, but everyone still hangs out with other people. I've never felt like I couldn't walk up to another group of people where I might only know one person. Everyone is open and willing to make new friends.


While it's not the most diverse student body, for the most part everyone's a good kid.


Is tiny and close knit. A lot of kids went to private school and are wealthy, but that's not the majority even though it seems like it is sometimes.


Davidson is currently trying to diversify more because right now, it is a predominantly white campus. The new president of the college is trying to bring the issues of diversity (or lack thereof) at Davidson to the forefront of campus dialog.