Del Mar College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Del Mar College know before they start?


As a high school student, I felt life didn't truly begin until you were living the college life. I believed high school was too easy to count as anything towards what you were to become, but I should've taken advantage of how easy it was instead of simply waiting for what I thought I knew was coming. If I were able to go back in time and give myself advice, it would be to apply for scholarships with all the free time I had back then, which was really all the time in the world now that I think about it. If I had done that I wouldn't have to worry about how I'm going to pay for school next semester or the semester after that. I wouldn't have to work or stay up late to do my school work. Plus, I'd have more time to enjoy myself, I'd tell myself.


If I was a senior in high school and I had to give myself advice, I would tell myself that even through the tough times, anything is possible when you believe in yourself enough to go for what you really want in life. Starting college may seem like a hard task but once you get everything together then all the other steps are a piece of cake. College life can be a boringexperience or a fun experience! It is up to you what kind of experience you plan on having during your college life. Studying should also be part of your college life if you are wanting to become somebody when you finish college. Education is a key to a good success!


I would tell myself that even though you believe you won't change your major, you will. If you think you won't meet the best friends of your life, you will. Things are going to change so much with the transition to college, but if you embrace it with open arms, you will have the best time ever! I have changed and grown into a different, better person. I can appreciate other people's views and opinions, and I have had so many experiences that I will never forget. Although at times, things might not be the easiest, if you persevere, you will come out stronger than you could ever imagine! I would tell the high school senior version of myself not to fear the future and change, but prepare for hard work and the time of your life!


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to start getting used to college life by taking a class in the summer before taking a full course load in the Fall. I would also tell myself to take as many basic courses that I can that apply to my major. I would also tell myself to read and study the coursework daily, and not wait until the day before the test or an assignment is due. I would tell myself to go back and study the tests after i get them back, so that I can be more prepared for the final exam. If I had any problems with the class, I would suggest to myself to get help from other students in the class or from the instructor. I would also tell myself to find out any kind of tutoring available. I would also tell myself to always go to class because missing a class day could be missing something important that I need to know to pass with a good grade.


I would tell myself that college is nothing like high school. Find what works for you as soon as you get to college. It only get harder. Also, have a backup plan because nursing may not be right for you. Make some friends soon after getting to college they will be your biggest support group other than your family. Asking for help is not a bad thing if anything it is the best thing that you will do for yourself. You can't do everything on your own. The only problem is that it will be to late when you realize that you need help so don't be afraid. Never regret one moment because it has only made you a person.


Through out our whole lives we are set to go to school, we start by going to kindergarden and end off at high school. Going to high school is the final preparation to going to college and finally working on getting a career. It is a big transition going to college after high school because, in high school we get told what to do and when to do it, when in college no one will be telling you to turn work in or to even go to class. If I was given the option to go back in time and speak to myself my senior year in high school I would tell myself to pay attention and try to learn all I could in my classes, especially in math. Because it's harder to learn and take college courses if you don't know how to do the basics of the work. So I would just make myself understand the essence of learning because without learning everything would be a huge struggle.


Back in high school everyone made college sound frightning, with professors that could care less about you. The first day of college I was nervous and at the end of the day I realized it wasn't as bad as everyone had previously said. If i could go back and talk to my senior self, I would try and reassure my self that I would make the payments and that its nothing like I was thinking college would be at the time. I would also tell myself to just relax and do the work because at the end of the semester it would all be worth it.


My advice to my highschool self would be to start appyling for scholarships a lot sooner. The quantity helps and any money is helpful for school. As far as anything else as far as grades, i wouldn't change a thing.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that no matter what never give up on anything I believe in. I would tell myself that if I work hard and concentrate on school work I can pass every class. Those extra hours of staying up late are going to be worth it in the long run. Never give up on school or anything else just because you think you can achieve it. You can achieve and be anything you want to be!


I would tell myself that no matter what never give up! You are a strong person and you can do anything you want. Don't let a bad grade bring you down, no one is perfect. Don't stress over the little things. Those extra hours of studying really do pay off! Don't slack! Focus! Focus! Focus! You need to be prepared to be an independent person. Teachers are not going to remind about a paper due next week. You have a lot on your shoulders but you can take on more! Most imporantly have trust and faith in yourself.