Delaware County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Delaware County Community College know before they start?


I was orginally attending Shippensburg University and then transferred to Delaware COunty. I would tell myself to just go to Delaware County and not go to Shippensburg University.


Making the transition to college life from high school has been a real eye-opener. In college, the level of accountability increases with the first lecture. I learned that I needed to be more self-reliant in my quest for information and that managing my time is an essential component of my education. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress the importance of time management and staying on top of all assignments. I would stress the importance of asking questions and the necessity of becoming familiar with the avenues available for research and additional instruction. I would tell myself that independence, self-reliance, and self-motivation are key attributes to embody in my quest for a college degree.


Paying for college was one of the hardest parts of living the college life so, if I could go back I'd probably do more research on financial options. Convince myself to apply for financial aid, student loans and alot of scholarships. Unlike public high schools and elementary schools, college costs so I would've explained that college is not a party zone. Motivation is definitely key so I would tell myself to develop some really good note-taking skills.


I would explain to myself not worry about impressing others on what school I would be attending but, try to limit the amount debt I would cumulate. Also that starting out at Community college isn't 13th grade?we have accelerated college course and most student there are serious about their course work. Most important, it offers students exceptionally qualified professors without breaking the bank. So enjoy having money in your pocket for about two year because once you start your four college or Universary the loans with start accumlate. Work extremely hard and graduate!!!!


If I could go back in time i would tell myself to enjoy highschool. College is supposed to be fun but it is also the gateway to your future and you have to take it seriously. Have fun and learn all you can in highschool, it will set you up to succeed in highschool. Don't make your college decision based on where your friends or significant others go because you could miss out on some great opportunities and people by doing so. Don't be afraid to take chances. Keeping in touch with old highschool teachers is a great thing for you , especially if they know you really well. They can give you advice on anything since they have already been through it. Get involved in activities at the college, this is how you meet people and some of those people will be in your life forever! Don'r resent having to work hard and go through trials. The hard times are what shape you as a person and they teach better life lessons than you could ever imagine. Take it one day at a time. One day you will look back and be proud of what you accomplished.


This may seem weird since I'm talking to you and I am you, but years older. I have some advice for you as you head to college. You?re probably thinking this is your chance to finally get away from the abuse your endured while growing up. If you have to be ?running away? at least it?s to college. But you need to slow down a bit and not carry the pain and hostility toward your parents into the classroom or else you?ll have some major problems. You should be proud of yourself because despite your upbringing you excelled in high school. You?re on your way to fulfilling your dream to become a surgeon. Enjoy college life and all that it has to offer, but don't go wild with the parties and guys. Learn to balance working and course work, while at the same time enjoy life. You don't want to look back years from now and say to yourself "I wish..." "What if ...". Speaking to you now will hopefully prevent you from having those regrets. Congratulations on your success so far, the future is yours. Make the very best of it.


You underestimate your own strength and capability, and you overestimate the knowledge and capabilities of others. Strive for perfection, but don't let perfection be the enemy of the good. You don't have to be perfect to learn how to help other people. To remedy the many times you will question whether your efforts are gaining you ground in life as it moves swiftly beneath your feet, and you will need this remedy repeatedly, ask yourself these words of Dr. King, ?Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'?


It's 2001 and I see myself walking across the stage, diploma in hand, graduating from high school and the only plan I have is to get out of town. After the ceremony I wait outside in the parking lot for myself. When myself gets into the car, I jump into the passenger seat and with a big, show business grin I shout, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Of course myself nearly has a mental breakdown when she sees me, a version of herself nearly ten years older. After myself calms down, she looks at me in suspicion and says she doesn't understand. I tell her she can just consider it a dream and take what she wants from the experience. I don't stay long as it's already pretty awkward. I stay only long enough to tell her to be the biggest person she can, not to be shy and to make the most out of every moment. I suggest that she follow her instincts more than she tends to and to satisfy her yearning to become a great painter and study in art school. "Don't rush anything," I tell myself, "but don't waste time."


Take ANY free scholarship you can take. As long as the school is accredited, go there. Don't give up the West Chester University of Pennsylvania full scholarship for ANYTHING. You will end up graduating from there (and not in the time frame you wanted) and you will owe an enormous amount of money in student loans becuase of your choice to go to Drexel first. TAKE the MONEY and get YOUR DEGREE!


If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would tell myself that no matter what to keep my eye on the ball and to get my degree. I would say that no matter how big of a deal the social things seem to always remember that no one is going to write that paper for you or pass that exam. I would tell my younger self to take my advice super seriously because the path that I did take although it was fun...I really don't remember much, and all the people that were my "friends" I don't even know anymore. The last piece of advice I would give myself would be to be nicer to my parents because even though they can be "annoying" they just want the best for you and will always be there no matter how badly you mess up.