Delaware County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Delaware County Community College know before they start?


Don't live on campus first. You should take a few courses in your curriculum and then decide it it's where you'd like to continue. If you do like it , move forward and live on campus. If you don't, you haven't lost so much money.


If the advisors in HS actually cared and gave the correct advice, I would of known how to apply for grants and scholarships instead of being insanely in debt.


Go to college right from high school. Do not ever tell yourself that you are going to take off just one year, or even just one semester. One will turn into two, then three, etc. Next thing you college degree. Just go. GET IT DONE. With this economy, you must have a degree to really get anywhere. High school never taught me how difficult being a single mother, working full time, with no college degree, could actually be. Take advantage of it while it's easy. And life hasn't gotten that complicated yet. Because if you don' will regret forever. I would know.


If you are truly not sure what you'd like to pursue, attend a community college that is still close enough to your home to commute. There you can try things out and see if that course of study is right for you. If you choose to pursue your education further after completing your Associates Degree, then take a look at a four-year college and talk to others who attended that you know or trust before making any decisions. Don't forget to visit the campus as well because the size of the campus also plays a big role in how you adjust to campus life. It's a lot harder that you think.


Wow, what a great question. Knowing what I know now, I most definitely would have gone to college right out of high school, rather than waiting a few years to start. During those years I waited, I ended up having a child. I now am a single mother working full time, attending college. It is definitely harder now than it would have been back then. Back when I was a senior, I would of had a lot more time to devote to studying and being able to transition to the college life. I might have been able to get away with not working as well had I of gone right out of high school. That is important because I see now how hard it is to find a class schedule that allows me to see my daughter, still work, and earn the degree I am so eager to get. My advice to every senior is to not only go to college, but go straight out of high school. People like to take a break, however it'll be a much better break after you graduate college and can enjoy a career, as well as really relax.