I would tell myself that it is alright to allow yourself to have free time and not drive yourself crazy over every little thing. Do your best in your classes, but remember to take a breather every now and then.
The first thing I am going to tell you is probably the most important thing you'll ever discover. Listen closely: No one else knows what they're doing either! They just wing it. You can too. It's a lot easier than it looks!
The second is this: Confidence is not walking into a room and tellling yourself everyone loves you. It's being able to tell yourself that you'll be fine if they don't.
Oh and by the way, I did not come up with either of those sayings, but they've gotten me through everything.
As a college junior, I have definitely seen many things that I could have done differently as a high school student, not just a high school senior. However, if I could turn back the clock to the time of my senior year of high school, I would have selected differently. Firstly, with my course selection, I would have eliminated my choice of Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics and AP German. To fill in those gaps, I would have selected AP Calculus or the honors version of that course, and either AP Biology or AP Chemistry. At a very early age, I realized what I wanted to pursue as a career. Taking these sciences would have bettered my GPA and gotten my feet wet on what to expect for my college Biological Sciences, and General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry courses throughout my past 2.5 years of college. My last year of high school would have been heavily science-oriented, but it would have been worth it. Secondly, I would encourage myself to get more involved in high school, as well as my community. Though high school is about impressing colleges, it is also about creating friendships that will forever last.
Advice is a tricky concept to understand. I feel that over the past two years after graduating from high school, I have been empowered with this knowledge I’ve never had before. I would have to tell my past self that college is way different than the teachers ever taught you. It’s all on you, if you mess up, your future and your livelihood could go down the toilet. Every single day is a struggle to see if you’re going to get up that extra hour early to study before an exam or even to study day in and day out for weeks for tests that can make or break you. But in the end of all the struggling and heartache and thousands of gallons of energy drinks later; you graduate from your college or university and have a degree that means something and people look up to you and are inspired by you in your career. College is a ride though, and it’s supposed to be enjoyed with everything you do. So get ready for it, but don’t be afraid because you’ll learn who you truly are and what you were meant to be.
The door whistles as I step out of the time machine and head into my old school building. I quickly find her and walk over to sit across from myself. The younger high school version of me looks up in astonishment.
“There’s no time to explain,” I say quickly, “There’s something I need to tell you.” I see the dark circles under my eyes and look at myself in pity, “I know you’re stressed about choosing a college, but I want to let you know it doesn’t matter what school you choose – it’s what you make of it that counts. All you should be doing right now is cherishing these moments, because believe it or not, you will miss this place and these people.” I check my watch, “I have to go, just…don’t stress. You’ll make tons of friends and your roommate’s awesome. Oh! Stay away from the cafeteria's french fries!" I turn away.
"Wait!" she calls, "That's it?"
I turn slowly and look into my eyes, “ time you see Grandpa…just…make sure you tell him you love him.” And with that I leave my past.
My advice to my past self would be to try new things. Don't be timid about expressing who you are and what you want to do. Being in High School is all about peer pressure, but once you hit college you realize how much that never mattered. Joining as many activities and groups at your school could be the best thing. Getting involved and being exposed to all sorts of experiences will make the transistion to college much easier. Make as many friends as possible. In college, you make new friends and the people from High School slowly fade away. Theres always breaks and summer to catch up with your old friends. Make as many memories as possible with them now, because later that time will be slim. Your old friends may not seem so important in college, but they tend to always be there for you when you need someone to lean on. Work your butt off! College isn't easy. It takes a lot of money and time to dedicate yourself to succeed. Work hard now through as many part time jobs as you can find and save up! It will pay off in the long run.
If I could go back and time and tell myself one thing, it would probably be to sign up for more scholarships. I didn't realize how helpful they can be in the long-run!
It is important to remember to be yourself. Everyone comes into a new school worried about finding friends. Be yourself and trust your instincts, but always be willing to give people a second chance, because they are learning about themselves the same way you are discovering new things about yourself. Once you make friends at school, don't forget about your friends from home, they are just as important. The most important thing to always remember, as Dad always says "Don't forget who you are", be strong and confident, because you can do anything you put your mind to.
Be sure to ask yourself "Need or Want?" before making a purchase or packing for college. When you are packing, don't include the items that you havn't used in a while because you won't use it there. When making a purchase, ask yourself if buying the product now is worth not having something else later on. Also, be sure to contribute a percentage of each paycheck to savings. At least a quarter needs to be added to your saving from every paycheck you receive.
The advice I would give myself is to try and find a job/voulenteer/intership, in or close to the career I want. Reason is, it will make the class/course a lot less stressul, you will be more confident in taking/passing the class. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation to the person seating next to you in orientaton / class. Sit in the front row so you can hear the teacher better also your eye sight will not be as good as it use to. Ask a lot of questions regardless as how it sounds: Never procastinate on homework it only add stress to your already busy school/work life. Get sleep, you need to let your brain rest and recharge. Have fun you only have to do this once, might as well go out with a bang! Socialize with a lot of people as they are your soucre for more information and events around campus and Honolulu. It can be your door to success in life if you choose a career in marketing or business. I know you want to do buisness management but test the waters first than make the best decision for you.