Delaware Valley University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Delaware Valley University know before they start?


"Just be confident, and just be you." This is what I would want to tell myself if I could go back in time. As a graduating senior who had never been away from her hometown, I was a very naive student making the transition into college. I expected a new freedom but could not fully comprehend what it would be like or how to handle it. I initially came to college as an athlete and quickly made the decision to focus on school and other clubs available rather than spend all my time dedicated to one activity. I also found it difficult to figure out how to manage extra time and a social life. Looking back as myself as a high school senior, I would want to be told to just relax, be confident in myself, and to have fun. I should have been more willing to just socialize once I completed my academic work to be able to establish a social network on campus sooner than I did. Luckily, by the end of my first year here, I was able to find my comfort zone and really let my personality shine.


If I could go back into time as a high school senior, I would completely change my attitude towards coming into college. Even though I was a pretty good student in high school and had prepared myself a lot for the transition, there is much more that I could have done to prepare. One of the most important things of advice I would tell myself is to not procrastinate! Not doing the homework until the night before it's due when you usually have two days is a terrible idea and I have learned the hard way! Another piece of advice I would give myself is to study a lot more than I do now. I do take the time to study for all of my tests but I think the way I study needs to change, so I would tell myself to study often and make sure I'm taking good notes during class to study from. In my opinion, those are the most important things someone going into college would need to know. I wish I had known someone that went to college before me so that they could have warned me!


My advice would start with studying to show thyself approve a workman need not be a shame rightly dividing the word of truth (NIV). The reason I started with this scripture is that I didn’t apply myself to earn a good grade point average in high school I was very passive. I only study when I had to usually before a test. My biggest problem I would say was not actively listening. Maybe my being overweight and not having the proper diet and balance nutrition could be partly the problem as well. I was always so tire when it came to listening to a lecture. I had big dreams and high hopes for the future but never had anyone to push me in that direction to accomplish my goals. I always wanted to be an opera singer great voice with a lot of potential. I also wanted to pursue college right after high school Bethune Cookman and FAU perhaps what I had in mine. Many people I have talked with over the years said going to college after high school was the best time of their life. I often have deep regret when thinking back over my life.


My senior year of High School one of my good friends died. Looking back now, I would tell myself, “It wasn't my fault. I know now about his death, that I couldn't have stopped it and that there was nothing I could have done, no matter how desperately I wish I could have. There is a time to grieve and there is a time to move on and he would be so proud of me for picking myself up and going to the college I have always dreamed about going to. Be frugal with my money but never stingy with a smile. Do not to feel bad for being happy, because he would be happy that I am happy. Remember to pay attention in class because you will use it later and thank all of your teachers.” I think knowing all of this would have made my freshman year a lot easier. I could have came into college embracing my new surroundings and been able to focus on going to college and the experiences I was yet to have, instead of missing my friend.


If I could go back and better prepare my self with college. I would tell myself not to quit the second job I had so that I would be better prepared for the financial struggles that come with going to college. I would also changed my studying habit, since I never studied in high school it is transfering over to how I am in college. I would of better prepared myself for buying my first car, so that I would have more reliable transportation back and forth from my school.


Transitioning from baby to big kid in the matter of a summer can take a toll on ones emotions and wallet. If I were able to go back in time to my senior year and give myself the perfect advice to guarantee that I would be prepared for the next four years I would tell myself that my professors are not there to baby the students like the teachers in high school. For the first time in my life everything became my responsibility. Whether moving off to a university or staying home and attending community college professors expect the most from you. Frankly professors don’t care whether you pass their class or not, they are there to teach the class and it’s your responsibility to absorb everything you can from the class. Unlike college, teachers and school staff will take the extra time to ensure you’re a success. Another piece of advice I would give is prepare to be broke! You’re going to be attending school, studying, and doing school related activities which leaves little time for a job and all money coming in will be spent on school and bare essentials only.


If I could go back in time to tell myself all about horrors of college, I honestly don’t think I’d have much to say. I would definitely warn myself about the harder courses that I would take and advise myself to look at other majors similar to the Biology major. I would also tell myself that if I expect to work hands on with a lot of animals, like I hoped to, to think again, since my major barely taught me anything about animals or pointed me in the right direction training wise to work with them and to continue learning what I need and want too on my own; most importantly I'd tell myself to keep on making plans and knowing what I want, and need, to get done and don’t let anyone tell me that I can’t or it’s too hard, since that’s been the way for me my whole life. Finally, I’d tell myself to enjoy my four years of college a bit more, maybe find a better major with less difficult and more helpful courses since I didn’t enjoy college as much as I hoped I would.


I would tell myself as a senior to relax. I was so stressed out about whether or not I was going to the right college and if I would get the right education for my dream career. I would say to myself that I will get the right education I need and that I will make plenty of friends. Another thing I would tell myself is to study hard in high school. I didn't study that hard in high school so transitioning to studying in college was pretty hard. I would have done a lot better in more classes and I would have a higher GPA right now if I had just learned to study in high school. My high school self might not have listened but atleast I would know!


You need to save as much as possible. Make sure your study habits are better than normal and you are willing to accept hard challenges. when the time comes to take a test, relax and try to remember your information in song, since you do remember more with a catchy melody. be patient and kind. do more community service and apply for more scholarships. take advantage of internships and other ways to earn credit or money for school. but always remember dont lose who you are, keep your passion right where it's all been, have full confidence in yourself. you are doing the best you most possibly can and you will make it out in the end. and please become even more active it's boring staying in all day.


If I were given the opportunity to travel back in time and speak to my college-anxious, worrysome and enthusiastic self, there would be a lot to talk about in terms of college advice. I was so nervous about who my roommate was going to be, having to take a shower in a "community bathroom" setting, the work load and how I could possibly manage being away from my best friends from high school. In all honesty, I had absolutely nothing to worry about. My roommate and I got along very well and we were there for each other in the midst of the beginning-of-the-semester chaos. The shower situation turned out to be no big deal at all; everyone is very respectful. Shower shoes are a necessity, though. The work load is very manageable, too. I stay focused and avoid procrastinating as much as possible. Writing down assignments on a checklist is very helpful. Finally, keeping in touch with my friends was not difficult. We called each other, stayed in touch online and even passed around a journal of our college experiences between the four of us through the mail. All in all, college is amazing.