Denison University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Denison has two amazing things going for it: the convocation series and the Vail Series. While I was there I got to see big name classical performers like YoYo Ma, fantastic colloquia in the psychology department, and interesting speakers such as Jane Elliot. I currently teach at a college about the size of Denison and the thought of something of that magnitude would make our president laugh. Granville is very close to Columbus, which gives access to a fairly decent social scene and a vibrant arts scene. Granville itself is a cute town, but the best thing by far is Brews. Not just for the unbelievable beer selection (I have yet to find any place that comes close) but also for the live music.


Frisbee seems pretty big, the drama people are really involved in their own thing, there are a TON of groups but they aren't very involved. The LGBT group is pretty substantial though, at least they have a lot of posters. No one goes to athletic events, but the teams are pretty close friends and form their own groups. The only real tradition is naked week, and I guess rushing as it's a really big event. Greek life is pretty huge here though. The party nights are Monday, wednesday, friday, and saturday.


bunch of guys playing bluegrass at the Homestead Open House at Denison University: 2 mandolins, 2 guitars, 1 banjo in 20


There are so many activities that students can hardly keep up! So there is definitely something for everyone. Students at Denison can be the typical over-achievers, but they can also be typical social-butterflies, which is unlike many small private schools. The social scene is very fun and not impinged upon by academics if you don't want it to be. There are always events going on on campus; concerts, comedians, lectures, sporting events. It's a very full social calendar with student parties and get-togethers on top of that. If you wanted, you could hang out with people at any time of day except some mornings when everyone is in class. You can be "Greek" or you can just be friends with "Greeks" and go to their parties; it's all very casual and somewhat inclusive.


The most popular activities on campus are Greek life and sports. I am involved with the sorority Pi Beta Phi and it is how I have met some of my best friends at Denison. Greek life makes the community smaller and less intimidating. Many students are also athletes, but since the school is Division 3, athletes can be involved in many other activities. Students are friendly in the dorms and you will often just wonder into someone's room and end up staying for a while, just having a good time. Athletic events are not that popular especially because they school is so small but guest speakers are great. Denison does a great job of getting very interesting people to come speak. The dating scene doesn't involve much dating at Denison, so it should really be called the "hook up scene". If you're ready for random hook ups, then you're ready for a weekend at Denison. Partying happens on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but they parties are confined to a few options because the school is small and security is strict. Parties are inclusive to all types of students.


There are so many activities on Denison's campus that you never get bored. Anything you can think of Denison probably has it. We have 23 varsity sports (I think) and we have Intramural sports that range anywhere from dodge ball to ultimate Frisbee. The social life on campus is also a lot of fun. Almost everyone in a specific dorm knows everyone and people are always friendly. When my friends and I are in our room we leave our doors open because we welcome the interaction. Attendance at athletic events are not very high, but everyone sport is different and it depends on the season. Friday and Saturday nights are big for the campus because that is when all the parties happen. Even if you don't drink you can go to a party and still have a good time because no one forces anyone to drink or do anything they do not want to do. A lot of the parties are held by sororities and fraternities so you get to meet all kinds of people and have a good time. If you want to be social and go off campus a lot of people go to the village or drive 20 minutes away to Easton, the shopping center.


DISA and ACC are two popular clubs among international students. The BSU is a popular organization was well. I am involved with DISA, ACC, and the BSU. I am most active in DISA since I am the publicity chair for next year and I thoroughly enjoy being part of DISA and all the other organizations I am involved with. I think it depends on the dorm. In dorms like East Hall, I have seen that most students leave their doors open but in dorms like Smith, most students leave their doors closed. I do not think that theater plays and athletic events are as popular as they could be. Different guest speakers are quite popular though for people who have those areas of interest. I think I met a lot of my close friends through people I got to know during international student pre-orientation. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, I am either doing my work or trying to get my own space. DISA Formal, DISA talent show, Homecoming, Lunar New Year are some of the events that happen every year. Denison is a very party place and I think that a lot of students party throughout the week. I am personally not interested in joining a sorority but I think for a lot of students at college fraternities and sororities are important. Saturday nights can be spent watching movies, or even partying and having fun without drinking. I usually go to Easton when I want to be off campus either for some shopping or dinner.


I'm part of Women's Varsity Golf and a group called Companions, which is where we get together once a week with middle school students just to hang. They are pretty relaxed and love to see new faces. I don't really know the dating scene for I'm still in a relationship with a guy from home. However, most people meet at parties during any time of the week.


Greek life on campus is pretty muted. About 20 years ago the fraternaties and sororities were caught doing some pretty sketchy things (hazing and such) that they were shut down altogether for about 5 years. Greek housing is still non-residential. Denison has a great track record for inviting guest speakers. Just last year I saw a prominant (as in top of his field) palientologist, a past president of South Africa, Yoyo Ma, and many others that came to speak for Denison. Being a cello player, I just about died when I found out that Yoyo Ma was to make his FIFTH visit to Denison this year. It rocked. On the social side, Denison is a small campus and the town it is in is also unless you have a car and can drive to Columbus, most students hang around during the week and party on campus. Oddly enough, the most popular party day is Wednesday, because so few people have classes on Thursdays. Denison's drinking pollicy may seem a bit leniant, but it has probably saved countless people from alcohol poisoning. If you feel like either you or a friend has had too much to drink (reguardless of age) you can go to the campus health center without penalty. You can even get a security car to drive you there.


A lot of the meeting of new people happens when you join clubs or organizations. Also getting involved in athletics...and the dining hall is a great place to meet people. Most people seemed to leave their doors open but I don't leave mine open. There is always a party but there is also school...which is more important.