Denison University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Fraternities are very big in the social scene. Security guards can be overbearing somtimes. Become friends with them and you will get breaks. Your social life will depend on your friends. If you want to drink every day starting at noon, then choose your friends accordingly. If you want to go to the many guest speakers and intellectual offerings at the school, then choose your friends based on that.


There are some activities at Denison if you want to be in clubs or whatever. Most of my friends prefer to do their own thing. I participated in Greek life, but many of the frats are preppy fuckers (though I still like most of them). There was one heady frat that was mad cool, but Denison took their frat house because they needed a new art building (again - the Administration sucks scrotum). But, like I said, we make our own fun - frisbee on the quad, drinking games, playing music, tripping...


Many organizations to become involved in. It's up to the individual to decide what is most interesting and pursue dreams and desires. Parties are there if they are desired, very prevalent in the Greek system, but there are plenty of students who prefer not to party and find other enjoyable activities to engage in, like playing cards, movies, visiting Columbus, and much more.


We get drunk every weekend.


Sports teams and greek life are the most popular groups on campus though others do exist. I am involved with Lacrosse and Phi Delta theta and both of these correlate because many people from the team are in the fraternity. We have a very good time partying. A few of my friends do Hilltoppers singing group which is actually a lot of fun to see. The dating scene is good as many come into college and go a little crazy with random people but you can get a bad rep like that and eventually people settle down. People primarily party Friday Saturday and Wednesday and often on Monday though on a smaller scale.


Students in dorms leave their doors open a lot, especially at the beginning of the year. As the year goes on people feel more comfortable knocking on your door so you don't feel the need to leave it open as much. I would say that speakers and other events are very well attended. One of my favorite ways to break up my studying is to go to different speakers or events and learn something new. I met my closest friends through my dorm and through Alpha Chi Omega. I do not drink so there is a lot I can do on a Saturday night that does not involve drinking. I usually hang out with friends and chat or watch a movie. A couple times this year I went to the huge mall about 40 minutes away with friends to have dinner, see a movie, and do a little shopping. I love being on campus but sometimes it is nice to leave it for a little while.


Popular activities: -Convocations/Guest speakers -Discussion/awareness forums -Concerts on campus (student and professional) -Theatre productions -Parties -Naked Week


People go out Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights, not all of these of course. There is only one bar, and you only go if you're over twenty-one. Other than that we have parties in apartments and bar parties thrown by groups. A lot of people are in sororities/fraternities but it doesn't make or break you. Everyone is involved in something, there are always great speakers, events, concerts...because we're in the middle of Ohio, the school brings a lot of stuff to us.


I lock my room door, but I know people who do not. Nobody i know has had any experience with theft. There is always someone awake in the dorm, studying in the lounge or cooking in the kitchen, doing something. The party scene is not the best, because we are a small school. All parties are the same, and cliques tend to stick together and make their own fun, rather than throw all-out bashes.


The football team is not very good, so the games are not very well attended. However, the lacrosse team is good and attracts a larger crowd. There are so many extracurricular activities that I can't imagine someone being dissatisfied with the options. The community service groups do things from helping out at the humane society, to tutoring middle school kids, to doing ABA therapy with Autistic children. Although parties are really big at Denison, the school holds a lot of activities on the weekend for kids who aren't into partying. Parties at Denison start earlier than at most schools because weekend quiet hours start at 1am. Because the parties are held in dorm rooms, they're smaller and more crowded. Monday, Wednesday, and the weekends are the most popular nights to party.