Denison University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Denison University know before they start?


Stress. Stress. Stress. That was my senior year. I worried about getting into college and making the right guess about where to spend the next four years of my life. And while I was caught up in this whirlwind of worries, constantly feeling pressure crushing my brain, I was blind to the things I would miss most when I finally left home . I realize now that while I was spending hours studying and completing applications , I was missing out on eating dinner and watching Jeopardy!, going on bike rides at the start of spring, and playing baseball at the diamond down the street with my family. So what advice would I give my high school self? Leave your worries about making the perfect college decision behind. You will end up at a good school, and you will be happy. Focus instead on the memories you will make during that last year with your family. In the end, sadness from rejection and glee from acceptance are fleeting, but the memories with those you love most will last forever.


I f I could go back in time and talk to myself as a High school Senior... I would tell myself to work harder in my academics so I could get better grades. I would say "Be more outgoing and sign up for more clubs, so you'll have alot more experience to go on your transcripts." Another piece of sound advice would be to go see the transfer counselours at least twice a year, so you don't get stuck taking classes at a community college longer than you need to be. "Write your goals down, know what you want to do; have a vision of yourself in the future so you'll have something to work towards. My last and final piece of advice would be to never let a bad grade make you or break but let that grade help you study harder and help you set a higher standard for yourself, so you can succeed.


Education is important. It’s why you go to college to prepare for your future and opportunities for career advancement in the future. It is not only about education. That’s the most important, but don’t forget to make friends, to put yourself out there, try new things that maybe aren’t what you would normally participate in but speak to you. Don’t be afraid to fail. Learn how to pick yourself up in an environment that is there to help you succeed. Your parents, your friends, and your professors are all there to pick you up. It won’t be easy, but it’s all worth it. The As, Bs, and Ds, though when you try and want to succeed, you won’t fail. Flirt, and don't let the past get in your way. Nothing needs to be preconceived, because everyone is as new as you. And seniors really aren't that scary, and they'll help you out as much as anyone else, so don't be afraid. Stand tall, and smile.


Julia (18 year old self), Go all in with everything that you do. Those years go by so fast, so cliche, I know! I know you are scared and anxious, but you will love it and wish to continue learning. You will find that academia is for you, a little late for that awesome GPA, though. Trust yourself and your decisions. Have confidence in yourself, most importanly, your ability to adapt, learn, and achieve those goals. Set more of them! Be focused on the now, and stop the reverse modernism (don't worry, you will learn what that is your second year in, you'll write an awesome paper about it!). You will meet life changing people and have wonderful opportunities, so stop being afraid. The fear and anxiety will create a long adjustment period in which you will see yourself as failing. You are not failing! You are becoming a stronger person. You will be proud of yourself years later, despite the terrible job and seemingly elusive money. I am proud of us. Be proud now! Be Confident. Be Fearless. You have it all in you. Self-Aware, Proud, Confident, and Struggling Graduate, Julia (24 years old)


It is good to be persistent, but sometimes it is better that you just take a break. It will not be the end of the world if you do not read an article. Make sure to communicate with your professors. You are not alone; there are many people who want to help you succeed. Make sure that you reach out for help when you need it. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed, take it one step at a time.


These are the five pieces of advice I would give myself if I could go back to being a high school senior ready for college. First, I should remember to maintain a healthy balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and time with my family and friends. This balance is necessary for a successful and happy college experience. Next, I would take the time to learn about the various resources offered by my University such as academic and career advising as well as health counseling. Utilizing these services would contribute significantly to my academic and personal development. I would also advise myself not to put too much on my plate. I should choose the activities that are important to me and pursue these wholeheartedly. Fourthly, I should remind myself that my college experience will be a journey comprising of both ups and downs. I should build a close network of friends and faculty who can support me during trying times and make the best of every situation I come across. Lastly, I would advise myself to have no regrets about the decisions I make as I will be able to learn something beneficial from every experience!


Going back to a high school senior, I would have pushed myself to take the AP exams in order to get ahead with my credits in college. There are so many great opportunities in college that you can enroll in after taking the mandatory first year seminars if no AP exam credits were transferred to complete the requisitses of those classes, therefore delaying your ability to take higher level classes. After seeing the good grades I am getting in college I am certain that I could have done so much better in high school, but then again I have learned from my mistakes which motivates me to do the best I can with my college work. Anything I want I can get in life as long as I strive for it and I believe the same goes to anyone else.


Dear Alena, When you are ready to go to college @ Central Wyoming college, make sure you have everything you need to register and don't give up on trying out for scholarships, TRIO help, friend advice, or help from any of your teachers. Always turn in your homework on time and never give up. Set your goal high and try out for anything that meets your prioraties/goals. When school starts, always come to class on time and don't forget anything that you might need for that certain class. When it comes to meeting new people, just be yourself and don't try to be someone else. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends or family. Also always look for something that you might be interested in and try to help others in return.


First off, I would have encouraged myself to apply to better schools. I love where I ended up, but Denison University was at the top of my list in terms of academic difficulty, and I finished my first year with a spot on the Dean's list. I was convinced that I wasn't good enough to go to Tuft's or Vassar, but I underestimated myself. And even if I hadn't been accepted to those schools, it would still have been worth trying. The other piece of advice that I would give myself as a high school senior is to TRY EVERYTHING! High school and college both present great opportunites that are unique to each. I'm sorry to say that I did not participate much in extracurriculars in high school, and I regret it. I was too hung up on "being cool". I was the shy, quiet kid in the back of the room, and it never occured to me that only a year later, anything I could have done to embarass myself wouldn't have mattered in the least. At least I broke out of my shell in college. Pat on the back for that.


My college expierience has helped me to identify myself as a leader. Being surrounded by a diverse community, like suffolk county community college, has helped me realize my aspirations. Through the recognition, and support, of the faculty on my campus I have been able to become a Peer Menor (a paid position that helps fellow students enroll in school) and the vice-president of the student government of Suffolk County Community College's eastern campus. My goals are to go to Sacred heart University and get my masters degree in game design and development. Eventually creating my own game studio where i plan on inventing a method of gaming that mimics electrical signals sent to the brain that will give gamers the ability to smell, feel, and even taste things created by game developers in a virtual enviornment.