Denison University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Denison University know before they start?


From my two years at Denison University, I have been challenged academically and socially. Denison has required that I put in many hours of work to receive the grade I want, where as high school was just the opposite. It has required me to think about problems from different angles in order to solve them. I have had classes where I have been outside of my comfort zone, talking about subjects relating to sexuality, political leanings, race, and gender. Through these discussion I feel like I have matured. I am also a part of the research community in the Biology department at Denison and abroad, in particular with oncology and cardiology respectively. I work several hours preforming faculty guided, but student led research, which will prepare me for my future career in research. My faculty advisor had inspired me to seek out internships at hospitals and that is how I became involved in cardiology as well. Denison has been invaluable to my growth as a student and as a person. I have met individuals that have brought many opinions allowing me to see issues from many different perspectives. Denison has prepared me to be a part of our global community.


Growing up, I was introduced to the idea of college early on. To my family, it was expected that we would go to college after high school. It was never forced or demanded of us, but rather was just part of the process of growing up and becoming independent. I valued education my whole life. This value came from my parents who both sacrificed so much in order for their children to attend private schools and receive the best education possible. My college experience opened me to a whole new kind of education and personal development. During those four years, I learned more about myself and my values than I ever had while getting my high school education. My college experience was not just about passing tests and getting a degree. It was about finding myself and my passions, about learning who I am and what I can do to make a differnce in my world.


What I have gained from my college experience is my work ethic. I enrolled in community college right after high school and quickly learned that I needed to stay on top of things. The classroom pace was noticeably faster, forcing me to actively listen and write down only necessary notes during lectures. Furthermore, should I relax my attention I could miss vital information. I learned that one isn't going to be spoon-fed in the college environment. I developed and improved ways on how to engage myself in the classroom as well as ways to improve outside of the classroom (notably studying methods). This experience has been very valuable in my self-improvement. I've become more responsible and accountable. I've always thought critically but the college taught me methods to put my thoughts into action. My experience at community college made me grow-up. No one was going to look after me, I had to do everything on my own and if I had an issue or problem I had to seek out the answer(s).


I have made invaluable friendships, been exposed to enlightening experiences, and intrigued in the classroom. I have become a mature, perspicacious adult with the skills to be successful in whatever situation life throws at me because of my liberal arts education!


I learned that partying is not everything. College is alot of fun, but is alot of hard work . Partying with new friends and having fun is great, but getting an education in something that you truly love is amazing. Friends move on and memories are forgotton, but education also sticks with you for life.


My college experience helped me to adapt to a number of jobs in varied fields after graduation. The combination of a liberal arts education, internships, and research opportunities helped me to work in education, governmental permitting, and social advocacy positions after I graduated. None of these doors would have been open to me without my college experience.


I returned to college at the age of 34 years old. I completed my Associate Degree in Nursing and have worked in the healthcare profession for 15 years. Going back to school at that age allowed me to see college from a different angle than most students. I was able to appreciate the opportunity to learn, Interacting with students who were working toward the same degree allowed me to observe healthcare as it applied to people in different social, ethinic and financial groups. Having been out of college for 15 years, I am now looking to further my career my furthering my education. I truly belief that education is the key to opening doors. Once again, I will be an older student in college, but I think it will encourage me as it did before.


I have grown up a lot while being at college and being at Denison has changed the ways I view race and other societal issues. Many speakers have came and spoke to the campus and have given great advice on how to deal with the real world. The different programs such as academic tutoring, game night, off-campus shuttles, etc are really great things that Denison has to offer. Many alumni have been back to visit and they tell the students about the many opportunities we have once we leave Denison. There was a time when I was unsure about continuing my education because of all the problems that I have encountered while being here. I'm glad I decided to stay because I believe it has made me stronger as a person.


If I could go back in time, and give my past self advice for college, I would say to try harder and to put more effort into everything I did. I ws really interested in instrumental music and tried pretty hard in that, but not too much else. As a young kid, I could always pull through things well without putting forth too much effort. After I started high school, that was not the case anymore. I figured it would get better, but it didn't. I would tell my old self to sit down at a desk, turn off the television, turn off the computer, and open a book. If I studied even half of the time I was being entertained, I would have been so much more ready for college, and I probably would have had many more options in terms of universities and scholarships I would be eligible for.


Be open minded, communicate with professors, and get some sleep. All three of these tips, if drilled in my head before going to college, would have sincerely helped my sanity freshman year. As a naive freshman I thought the world was only comprised of biology and psychology. Not until Denison's liberal arts education required me to take African Art & Visual Culture did my mind begin to expand with the knowledge that there are many things to learn and experience out there. And by efficiently communicating with my professors (emailing, having meetings, going to office hours) my GPA has increased my sophomore year. Not only am i building a good relationship with my professor, but they can also help me focus on what I should ultimately be taking away from the course. Lastly, although sounding like my mother, getting sleep is the most important study tool. So GET OFF OF FACEBOOK! :-)