DePaul University Top Questions

Describe the students at DePaul University.


Rich, white, suburb kids who are spoilded, out of touch, ignorant, and intitled


Rich, white, suburb kids who are spoilded, out of touch, ignorant, and intitled


My classmates are generally amicable and friendly but not always the most energetic, I believe that their energy is spent more in their academic endevors than socializing and this contributes to their lack of vitality.


There is no one way to describe my Depaul class mates, but if I had to chose it would be strong willed, dedicated, and divers individuals.


My classmates are very responsible and helpfull when it comes to the school work.


DePaul University is home of a variety of students who are diverse in all senses including race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, and intelligence types.


To be honest, most of my classmates have the potential to be very successful, but it is up to them to prove that potential to their professors, other classmates, and especially, themselves.


DePaul is honestly a great place to just sit and people watch because the campus is so diverse! I wish that I could have enough free time to sit in the quad during spring and just watch all of the different people who walk in and out of buildings. No, I am not a creeper but our student population is so radically diverse and interesting to observe. Anyone can wear anything and not feel out of place. That being said, hardly anyone wears sweats to go to class downtown. If anything, it is slightly more appropriate to dress up for a Loop class, just because everyone else walking around downtown in the financial district looks so spiffy! Even though DePaul is known as a Catholic institution, the LGBT community is very vibrant and present on campus. DePaul really does accept people from all different walks of life. I am so humbled to attend a school that has created a space where all can feel welcome.


If i could describe my classmates in one sentence it would be eargerness to learn. My class mates are interesting individual that come from various backgrounds.


In my school there is a huge variety of people. It is a huge school so you can find anything that you are interested in and the people in here act without prejudices and really friendly. Students were anything that is comfortable pretty much anything they feel comfortable in. The most of the students are from Midwest but myself I am from Czech Republic, among my friends are folks from California, Idaho and Kentucky.