DePaul University Top Questions

Describe the students at DePaul University.


I think most classmates can be described as dedicated, honest, kind, open, and diverse.


My classmates are a constant source of inspiration. I am constantly amazed at the vast amount of knowledge that a roomful of students can possess. They are constantly forcing me to examine my own beliefs and opinions. The collegiate experience would not be the same without the other students I interact with in the classroom.


My classmates did not have as much motivation or drive as I do and they looked down on me for putting school as my first priority rather than falling under peer pressure with drinking and smoking.


My fellow classmates are well-diversed and encouraged to think out of the box/learn things they wouldn't consider learning about origanlly.


My classmates are generally friendly but tend to keep to themselves in and out of class.


All my classmates this semester were incredibly helpful, and encouraging, Most of the people I had classes with this semester are approching the point of transfering over to universities, so we were all pretty helpful towards one another.


Mature, Fun, Motivated, Driven, Intellectual


Classmates at DePaul University are focused and eager to help others.


My classmates, for the most part, are a hard working group of students that did well in high school and are looking to succeed primarily in the business world.


My classmates at DePaul are artistic, accepting, engaging, quirky, and socially aware.