DePaul University Top Questions

Describe the students at DePaul University.


Rich kids are most prevalent!!!! It's so annoying! Students are very politically aware/active. Most are left and liberal.


DePaul's student body consists mainly of either suburban kids who wanted to go to school in the city, or kids from all over the United States who are homesick and just wanna go back to something familiar like their home state school. Very students try to actually experience the city of Chicago for themselves, and instead they tend to stay sheltered inside the DePaul "college town." This is the most disappointing thing about the DePaul student body.


If "retardedfuckdumbshitstupidassridiculouslyundereducatedunintellectualuselesscunt" was a word, it would be the one that would be closest to my one-word description of the student body. Yes, I have friends and acquaintances here, but for the most part I have no respect for the acquaintances. Not everyone's just "some rich kid" if that's what you're worried about. Everyone seems to be democratic even though they don't know what it is (barely any follow politics), so end up more socialist than anything else. Most students from the Midwest area... have no ambition, dress like bums, act like idiots, and have no goals or value for education. The girls are Extremely hot.. nad there are Many of them. Of course, they're all complete Bimbo retards.


The student body here is so diverse! We have all types of people from different socioeconomic backgrounds, to race, religion. We were ranked the number one school for the most diverse student body in 2007. When you walk around campus, you see tons of different races and religions interacting with each other. We do have gay/lesibans here but they are accepted as well. Everyone interacts and gets along with each other. The students come from all 50 states but the majority of students here are from the suburbs but it is getting a lot more common to find people from differen regions other than the midwest. You will see student here walking around with Louis Vuitton bags to students walking around with bags from Target, it is very diverse in every way.


I meet all types of people. It's good.


DePaul is diverse, yes. So far I have yet to find a problem with any racial, religious, or socio-economic issues with anyone. All the students I have met are hard working and dedicated to their education. Everyone wants a great job.


The DePaul student body is incredibly diverse according to any definitions of the word. You've got girls carrying full price Chanel bags to class and guys who work two jobs in order to pay their tuition bill on time. Students come from every state but there is definitely a higher concentration of Midwest kids looking to get to the nearest hub of legitimate cultural and urban brilliance. We are a vocally left leaning campus, especially given the fiasco of the last few years, but there are notable exceptions. The same few students make up all of the conservative groups on campus and they are great at PR. Last week the girls wore aprons in the Student Center and threatened to Take Back the Kitchen. Don't let that scare you off, though. Our liberals are just as good at publicity. Every spring the LGBT group on campus, Spectrum, has its pride week and it often involves a drag performance or three. It's by far my favorite week on campus! While we have a reputation as a suitcase or commuter school, that's changing more every year and I've never felt that it was true anyway. If you look at our numbers, we are largely a commuter school but that counts anyone who does not live in DePaul residence halls. I live across the street from the Student Center (the hub of any hungry student's social life) and I am technically a commuter student. Don't believe the hype! We're a pretty left-leaning campus but we'll listen to anything you have to say. The College Republicans have a table in the Student Center promoting something almost every week. We have almost 200 student organizations on campus and on the off chance you don't find something you're looking for, just grab a few other students and a faculty sponsor and DePaul will give you start up money and legitimize your group. DePaul housing is pretty much the domain of Freshmen and a few left over Sophomores - it's not required or guaranteed - but it's by far better than my friends' dorms at other schools. There is always something going on that is free for students or so cheap it might as well be free for students. Last week Nick Swardson was here: $7 for students, $20 for the public. Since I've been here the DePaul Activities Board has brought in Dr. Drew, Dane Cook, and Louis Black. At the end of every year, the same group puts on Fest i.e. the biggest party weekend at DePaul. It's our version of Welcome Week alcohol wise if you will. The shows are for DePaul students only and cost $5 to $7 depending on the year and who is playing. There are three acts plus whoever won the DePaul Battle of the Bands. Past artists include (but are certainly not limited to): The Roots, Nas, Kill Hannah, Motion City Soundtrack, Jason Mraz, The Starting Line, Twista and that's only since I've been at DePaul (I can't even remember all of who has been here).


Students are usually very accepting of the diversity on the campus, but the different racial/religious/and other groups are usually naturally segregated. Students that are quiet or shy would feel out of place at DePaul since success here is geared towards those who take the chance or the initiative to improve. There are a lot of very trendy students at DePaul, but also many that will wear a sweater and jeans to class. The students on campus seem to be mostly liberal and are very aware of the current politics.


students are cool. a lot of nice people. chicago is a great melting pot of people from all over, especially the midwest...


We say we're diverse, and I guess in a way we are. But it seems very self-segregated. Most are liberal, but there is a strong conservative alliance for sure.