DePaul University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at DePaul University? Is this stereotype accurate?


I had come to this school under the impression that there would be a large variety of rich boys, being that it is a Catholic school. However, when I got here I learned that this school was created with the underdog in mind. Most of the student body is comprised of first-year college students from a wide variety of backgrounds, so the stereotype is mostly inaccurate.


Some common stereotypes are that the school if meant for rich kids. While it is true that many students at DePaul come from families who are well-off, the majority are on some form of financial aid.


Hipsters, homosexuals, liberal, bros, art/theater kids, smokers (cigs and marijuana). YES, DePaul has all of these students and more. DePaul has a very liberal and diverse student and staff population, one of the many fantastic experiences DePaul offers.


Basketball school!!!


The stereotype at DePaul is that everyone is either a hipster or a bro. And for the most part this is pretty accurate. DePaul's pretty liberal and a lot of the students could be classified as hipsters. At the same time, there are a lot of guys that are in frats and are pretty douche-y. But that doesn't mean everyone is like that. There are plenty of people that fall somewhere in between hipster and bro, and even people who can't be classified by either term.


The major stereotype is that most students are left leaning, which is true.


A lot of students are into the whole frat thing and some are high level geeks with 4.00's all the way.




At DePaul University, there are many types of students because we are a school full of diversity! I would not say there is really a stereotype of students at DePaul because every student is accepted, no matter how other people accept them. When I look around the Quad, I see all 'kinds' of people hanging out with each other. Living in Chicago, there are all types of people, and at DePaul, all are accepted.


One of the most common stereotypes of students at our school would be that there a lot of kids that come from a wide array of different social and cultural backgrounds. As students at DePaul we are very well known for our large and supportive LGBT community (lesbians, gays, bisexulas, and transgenders). Among that community the gay males are definitely considered the most prominent grouping of students. I believe the stereotype that we have so many gay males and a diverse group of students in general is extremely accurate. I think that because we are known for having such an open and accepting LGBT community it attracts those who fall into that category to our school, which is a wonderful thing to have a place where anyone can feel like they fit in. I came from a small city in the state of Iowa and coming to DePaul was definitely was a culture shock for me, but in the best way possible! You see so many different types of people in groups of friends at DePaul. In my opinion everyone seems to be very accepting of everyone else, no matter what thier sexual orientation, gender, race, or socio-economic background.