DePaul University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at DePaul University? Is this stereotype accurate?


Honestly, I've never felt that there was a stereotype of students at my school. The student body is incredibly diverse. People from every corner of the country and every walk of life are here. It's great!


Rich preppy girls and gay guys. The stereotype is accurate TO AN EXTENT. DePaul is rather diverse and houses people of all backgrounds and personalities.


DePaul University is known for being a school for only Business major and theater kids. It is also known for being comprised of only spoiled, rich suburban students. Neither of these stereotypes is true! True, there are many students who go to DePaul for business or theater. But there are many great programs to choose from, and my DePaul friends have a variety of majors. I am a science major, and although DePaul isn't "known" for science, the program here is great! Also, DePaul was named one of the most diverse colleges in the country. I have met so many great people from different backgrounds and cultures, and it is so easy to make new friends here.


DePaul University is known for being a school for only Business major and theater kids. It is also known for being comprised of only spoiled, rich suburban students. Neither of these stereotypes is true! True, there are many students who go to DePaul for business or theater. But there are many great programs to choose from, and my DePaul friends have a variety of majors. I am a science major, and although DePaul isn't "known" for science, the program here is great! Also, DePaul was named one of the most diverse colleges in the country. I have met so many great people from different backgrounds and cultures, and it is so easy to make new friends here.


I have to say there is no one stereotype that applies to the student body as a whole. We have it all, jocks, geeks, stoners and frat boys etc. At DePaul there really is a place for everyone. And you don't need to fit a specific stereotype to find a group to be friends with.


A big stereotype at DePaul is that all of the students are rich because the campus is in Lincoln Park, which is an expensive neighborhood, and tuition is a lot. This stereotype is definitely not true in my case as well as many others. DePaul is very generous with scholarships and financial aid, which help many students afford the tuition. I'm a carpenters daughter and definitely not rich. A large percentage of students, including myself, work while in school to help pay the bills.


The major stereotype is that most students are left learning, which is true.


DePaul can sometimes be referred to as Bro-City...and for a reason. There are A LOT of bros. But the great thing about DePaul is that there are A LOT of every kind of person. With such a large student body, and such an enormous amount of programs, groups, and organizations, there's a place and a person for everyone.


I think the stereotypes of students at my school are students that are very smart.


There are many different kinds of students at DePaul. Hipsters, bros, and the other usual college-age labels, but I haven't found it very difficult to see beyond that. The students here are not too cliquey in terms of who they spend time with, so it isn't as if there are groups to be excluded from, simply different people with different interests. Although there are a lot of what might pass for hipsters roaming the campus...