DePaul University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before coming to school I wish I knew more about my personal goals. DePaul offers many opportunities and things you want to experience that it’s easy to lose track of the goals you have made and make new goals. While new goals are great it is sometimes overwhelming. Each day DePaul offers you a new experience and a new opportunity but it’s important to remember why you are there and what you want to learn and for what reason. It’s important to stay in the moment but also plan for the future and experience all you can.


Before I came to DePaul I wish I would have decided to go to DePaul for all the right reasons, such as the strength of academics at this school. I wish I would have known that DePaul is very based on a mix education as well as capital. My decision on attending DePaul greatly would have changed if I would of known that DePaul is more concerned with money than a students desire to flourish their academic career.


Try to get more scholarship money to cover my tuition.


DePaul has over 200 organizations, truly catering to any interest a student could have. I participated in a range of extracurriculars in high school, but I didn't know how beneficial it is in college. I would have been more concerned with involvement had I known more about it.


I wish I had known that I wanted to go to a more academically challenging school and that I was going to change my major 3 times. I wish I had known that fthe best thing I could do for myself as an actor was to study everything but acting.


In high school I took AP classes, and that really helped me adjust to the college life. It wasn't a perfect transition though. I wish I would've known that time management was going to play a big role in my college life. I also wish I knew that college was going to be more diverse than high school and that there would be students there who look down on you and try to make you feel inferior to them.


How to use Chicago's public transportation system.


I wish I had more money to be able to attend and pay the school fully. Consider it being a struggle for my family to pay my college tuition, I wish there was more for me to spend on school so I can be the first among my family with a degree. Even with all the financial aid exhausted, we still have a rough time paying for college. To have that extra cash all ready for school would relieve the stress from all of us and I can set a great example for my neices who look up to me.


What dorm life is really like.


Nothing I think a surprise is better because one learns what to expect and are more prepared for the future.