DePaul University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known more about the social outlets here.


That the programs that they offer are available need to better advertising of the different programs that are available.

That it was a commuter school. People go home on the weekends.


I wish I was more prepared to be able to make adult decisions that college students are faced with when living away from home, primarily those involving college aid and tuition expenses.


They do not offer a major in International Business.


One thing that made me question if Depaul was the right school for me was the lack of a concentration in film criticism. Although, there isn't this concentration I learned that there are a lot of classes that deal with topics in film all over the world and many aspects of it are dealt with. Also, I learned that the screenwriting program is very strong there, so I have been able to study both sides of film that interest me and have been getting an additional background in film techniques like editing and production.




How much more expensive things can be in the city such as groceries, gas, etc. I wish I had known how expensive it was going to be because financial aid probably won't begin to cover most peoples tuition bill!


The number of students in some of the classes is not a lot.


I wish that I would have known that the school costs so much more than the package deal is actually stated, and that they were much more well-known than I thougt.