If I could go back and speak to myself as a high school senior, I surely would take that oppurtunity. I would counsel myself on what a privilege it is to enter into a school of higher education. I would motivate myself to make sacrifices to wake up early and to take this gift by the wings and fly with it. I would tell myself to be open minded. I would face the challenges of being in a culturally diverse setting and not to stay within my comfort zone. I would build my confidence in knowing that I can accomplish all the goals that I have set for myself. I would encorauge myself to stay focused on the "big picture" and not worry about the present struggles going on around me. I would tell myself to never give up. FInally I would say to myself to enjoy this time in my life and to have fun.
I would tell myself that you will know what college you want to attend by going to visit and doing an over night. The process can be very stressful, but it will be okay in the end. I would also suggest that you have one big calander to write down all of the due dates, so you can time manage accordingly. Also work hard on your essay because it is a way for the admissions officers to get to know you personally.
Don't pick a school with a psychotic cross-country coach.
If I could go back in time and give myself advise regarding my college decision, I would have told myself to place more emphasis on the location of the school rather than the ability to play college baseball. Although the academics at Dickinson are top notch, the location leaves little to be desired. I was raised fifteen miles outside of NYC and I am used to an active lifestyle that is not available in the Carlisle area.
I would also encourage my high school self to be more involved in clubs and activities in addition to playing sports. Getting involved in different areas enables a person to be well-rounded and allows for more diverse experiences.
Finally, I would advise myself to take advantage of the advanced placement courses offered at my high school in order to gain college credit prior to entering school as a freshman.
As a young high school senior, I would advise my young, naive mind to prepare myself for the many things to come in college. For one I will ask myself to mature in the time I have before attending college because of the things I have seen while I have been in college. Secondly, I would advise myself to prepare myself mentally for the rigourous education I will receive. College is a place where you are able to find yourself and your interests, so I would ask myself to be patient and let things come on their own time not force things to happen. I will also ask myself to continue to dance and never stop dancing because being active in college is very important to make new friends and create new social networks. Thirdly, I will ask myself to begin to have better time management because of the independance that I would have while I am in college. My final request is to be open minded because there are many people who do not have the same beliefs or mentality as I do and that can cause some conflict if I do not prepare myself before hand.
My advice to my high school self is simple: Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. This phrase is applicable to many of the transitions that I faced when I entered college. I saw so many of my peers resist the changes around them during my freshmen year in college; they didn't want a new set of friends, new professors, new kinds of homework assignments, new expectations, and new activities. However, by my senior year, high school had become a routine with very little change, and very little stimulation. I would tell my senior year self that, by accepting--and even embracing--that everything is new and different in your first year of college, you open yourself to thousands of experiences that will shape your four years in ways you can't even predict. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable also means taking risks. I would tell my senior year self to enroll in a 200-level course as a first-year, and to choose a challenging but fascinating topic for a final paper. Being comfortable with the uncomfortable and taking risks will make your transition to college scary, yet exciting and, ultimately, extremely gratifying.
As a nervous high school senior, going to college seemed like an overwhelming step to take. At the time, it seemed as if everything was a life-or-death question. The school, the major, the location: it all was so final. However, within my first week as a freshman at Dickinson College, I realized that college is just the beginning. So many new and exciting opportunities were waiting for me. With its wide assortment of clubs, extra-curricular activities, recreational sports, Greek life, study abroad programs, internships, and on-campus jobs, Dickinson provided me with possibilities. I could pursue my lifelong dream of studying in Australia or even my newfound love of ultimate frisbee. College is a place to learn and grow. As a liberal arts college, Dickinson makes sure that its students are well-rounded and experienced in all subjects. Although I am a Dance & Music major, I have also been able to study Environmental Science, History, and French. I feel well prepared to enter the "real world" with my Dickinson education. I wish I could have known as a high school senior that college is a place for exploration; it is a place to learn more about yourself.
In order to succeed in the future you really need to utilize your resources. If you find yourself at a dead end, try again. You may just need to find the right person to get the answers you are looking for. Funding will not fall into your lap, and beauty school is not the answer, just another path which will lead you back to a 4 year degree. College is a great experience where you will learn to really find out about yourself, what you like and don?t like. Talk to people, and don?t be afraid to speak up or say something stupid. That?s what life is about, getting dirty making mistakes and learning from it all. It?s about what you take with you. Enjoy, grow, and look forward to each new expereince, as it only lasts a few short years.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to stay involved in college. After my experiences, I would tell myself to allow more than a single year to adjust to college life and not to move on to something different just because it does not feel right at first. Getting used to a big change like going to college takes time.
Visit the school as much as possible - the best way to get a feel for a campus is to be on it. Talk to the students - real ones. Not tour guides, just kids in the cafeteria, or in the HUB, or even just walking around. Tour guides are there to advertise the school, not necessarily give you the real deal on the place, whereas students have no vested interest in making you particularly come, and are thus more inclined to give you an honest answer.